slicer procedure?
hey all,
Makin a large wall mounted part, basically a medallion disc.
I wanted,(explored several menus) to put some pads on the internal space for heat set threaded inserts.
tried RC add part>cylinder.(sized and placed to bed) never got them to slice and on a card.
I swear,once I saw them in the slice layers internally, but then gone.
RE: slicer procedure?
Try right click and add negative space. That will remove the modifier volume and put normal perimeters around the area as if there was a hole modelled in. Of course it’s always better to ACTUALLY model them in 😊
If you can’t figure it out then save your project file (3mf), ZIP it up and attach it here and someone will no doubt show you how and post an updated project back. Must be zipped or the forum won’t accept it, it’s limited on the file formats it accepts.
RE: slicer procedure?
thanks for chiming in
Yea, but no, I was trying to create a solid cylinder, which I could then drill a 4mm hole in, and add an insert.
looking at your screen shot, I wonder if I make the negative space 4mm, but with like 20 perimeters, I would have what I want.
RE: slicer procedure?
Okay, getting closer, I hope:
Added Modifier, then RC on the cylinder added and select Layers and Perimeters, perimeters set to 20. Or use Infill and play with that
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: slicer procedure?
Yes, use the negative volume to do the hole for your insert and then up the perimeter count either globally or with another modifier. 4-8 perimeters should be enough depending on the weight. I generally use 4 on gun grips with around 20% infill and they are plenty strong son20 is likely overkill but whatever floats your boat lol.
thanks for chiming in
Yea, but no, I was trying to create a solid cylinder, which I could then drill a 4mm hole in, and add an insert.
looking at your screen shot, I wonder if I make the negative space 4mm, but with like 20 perimeters, I would have what I want.
RE: slicer procedure?
forums, gotta love em.
I, shall go forth and modify
is there any final step to get these added parts meshed in permanent, 1 stl kinda way?
RE: slicer procedure?
Unfortunately that’s why actually modelling them in is better, you aren’t actually adding a hole to the stl, it’s a slice time modifier. So it’s only applicable to Prusa slicer*
Besides if you model in the insert hole you can do things like bevel the edges which makes insertion easier, or do a variable size hole that changes profile as it gets deeper
*or compatible like Super Slicer, and only the versions since they added the negative volume.
RE: slicer procedure?
Trying to add a stiffening tube thru this structure by padding a shape in the gallery.
workable technique? or am I abusing the slicer