Slic3r settings for Lego bricks
I'm trying to print some replacement Lego pieces since it currently takes 5-7 weeks to get anything ordered from Lego. I'm using the settings Prusa suggested for printing the model of his factory, but the bricks are not square vertically. Each brick printed is larger at the bottom than at the top whether it is oriented with the studs up or down, but the bottom side is the correct size. I've tried full support and no support with the same result, with default skirt settings and 5mm brim. The odd part is that the round parts are perfect from bottom to top.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Specs: MK3S, .4mm nozzle, Hatchbox 1.75mm PLA, Bed temp 80, hotend temp 235. (Lower bed temps cause the print to lift)
Thank you,
RE: Slic3r settings for Lego bricks
You're probably getting severe elephant foot and slump printing PLA that hot. It deforms slightly above 60.
If PLA is not sticking at 60-65C, you need to clean your bed. Search around here for threads on the topic. It's probably contaminated with finger grease or oils.
RE: Slic3r settings for Lego bricks
Thank you for this info. I'll change my settings immediately and see how it works.