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Random layer skipping, can see infill  

Active Member
Random layer skipping, can see infill

This is a weird one, the last 2 months I had pretty decent prints, minor issues but fixable ones.

However this week, I can't get prints to print nice anymore. Layers will skip and you can see the infill. But I can't tell what is the problem. Everything is aligned and screwed in tightly. I had no troubles before, and now I have them every print.

Where the small line gaps happen, the print is extremely weak there, and it breaks if you put any pressure. I'm printing at 210c for PLA.

I tried doing the print cube test and adjusted my extrusion. It averages to what I have for the setting (.45). Cubes come out fairly decent.

So this test, I printed these both at the same time. Right next to each other, yet one came out nice, and the other has gaps. Why would one be ok but the other is not?

Another test, lines again

If I try to increase extrusion multi, then my line quality drops and it looks inconsistent. It's only at .95 vs 1.0

Please does anyone have any recommendations? I'm really stuck and i'm not sure what to do now.

Posted : 22/08/2018 9:44 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Random layer skipping, can see infill

Hm, well I put the multiplier back to 1x and increased 5c on my temp, the lines seem to be better. Will update again if I fix

Posted : 22/08/2018 10:28 pm