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Raft Settings  

New Member
Raft Settings

What are good settings for a raft in Prusa Slicer.   I am trying to print some open-source ventilator parts on a MK3S+ in PLA with print settings at 0.15mm Quality. The test piece in the photo is an ISO5356-22mm to 3/8G-thread (BSPP) adapter.  It is a test piece for a larger component.

I originally designed this part with a 2mm x 22mm diameter rim in contact with the platter and it detached while printing.  I widened the rim to 4mm (left print in photo)  and it printed fine but I don't like the fat rim so I tried printing the 2m rim on a 1-layer raft.  After detatching the raft the rim is very rough (right print in photo).  Are there raft settings that will get me a clean 2mm rim?

This topic was modified 4 years ago by BillD
Posted : 23/08/2021 4:30 pm

Why are you using a raft?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 24/08/2021 12:22 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:

The part would not stay attached to the bed without either a raft or making the rim artificially large.

Posted : 24/08/2021 2:20 am

Try a brim instead.  If it is not stocking to the bed, I suspect you need a lower live Z or z offset.  

You could also try to print the other end down with supports.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 24/08/2021 2:29 am
Noble Member

I agree with chuck.  That part should print fine without a raft.  Smooth plate with glue or layerneer should hold just fine as long as your zOffset is good.  on Textured or satin sheet, maybe not.  I'm still getting used to the satin sheet and have had a few things break free. I think I'm beging to cautious in my zOffset.  But clean plate, with dawn, hot water and a dish sponge and a that should be really all you need. 

Posted : 28/08/2021 3:44 pm