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PRUSA MK3S+ Banding issues  

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Daniel Cardona
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
PRUSA MK3S+ Banding issues

I hope that 17hrs print is not giving you a hard time. I didn't dare to try it again as I'm experimenting with PETG But so far the printer is doing Ok. some minor defects here and there but I'm coming a bit relieved as I was worried that the Banding problem was to something wrong with the printer not from the software settings. not that I'm 100% sure, I still think there is something to it but I don't know what to check more from my last inspection and calibration.



Veröffentlicht : 02/11/2021 4:37 pm
Noble Member
PRUSA MK3S+ Banding issues

Hi Daniel,

Sorry for the delay the first print went fine as I mentioned in my previous post, I had a new version of the file ready to go, when I found that Prusa had deleted, (without notification) many of the project files I had posted for other users, I had to change direction at that point an find another avenue for hosting my files since I have zero control over what I post here once its posted.

I have not forgotten about you though, I have images of the first print and I have another printing now to confirm the changes I made are good.


This is the first 17 hour print both tuned and unaltered, from the file you posted.

The tuned side has had it's extrusion widths adjusted and areas of excessive top and bottom fill have been reduced for a cleaner result,

I noticed while tuning that the built in supports where missing in an important area near the door latches at the bottom causing a bridging failure regardless of bridging direction, so I modeled a quick and dirty shim for it on the tuned side. another thing I noticed was that the built in supports for the window are causing two of the blemishes your seeing on the door in the window area a remodel of the support should fix these, however they showed up substantially less on the tuned side. lastly the lower area of the model wrapped causing several blemishes to occur towards the bottom in the beginning of the print, I've taken steps to abate this in my final version of this print by severing the built in support in a couple places braking the tension of the strands and I added Layerneer bed weld (probably over kill) to the plate to help with the warping.


I'll post results when done.

Note: if you right click and choose open in new tab you can view the image full size




The Filament Whisperer

Veröffentlicht : 02/11/2021 10:16 pm
Daniel Cardona gefällt das
Daniel Cardona
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:

😯 😲 😲  The Tuned looks flawless! how did you do that? I mean how did you figure it out? I can clearly see lots of banding in the untuned version and the difference on the other one...Now I know why there's written ''The filament Whisperer'' at the bottom 🙂 

May I ask you what filament are you using and which Brand?




Veröffentlicht : 02/11/2021 10:35 pm
Noble Member

    I will be explaining it to you after I finish this next print, and thanks for the kind words.


In this case I used the cheapest stuff I had, an $18 roll Overture PLA. while quality filaments helps get cleaner results, there's more to it then that. You need well tuned filament profiles, well tuned slicer settings and a well tuned printer, bad rolls do exist, however in my experience they are few and far between.

I do a lot of free prints here just trying to help out, and I buy the cheap stuff for that, I also use leftovers from projects that aren't long enough for my work.





The Filament Whisperer

Veröffentlicht : 02/11/2021 11:25 pm
Noble Member

Hi Daniel,

I've finished the prints, I have a quick question for you, do you sand & paint or just use as is?





The Filament Whisperer

Veröffentlicht : 04/11/2021 1:25 am
Daniel Cardona
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:


So sorry for my late reply, No at the moment I just leave as is. 



Veröffentlicht : 04/11/2021 4:23 pm
Noble Member
Thanks for being patient



 I was able to get two good results from the two different prints. Aside from the other settings I changed I also tried two different infill types, you had Gyroid  selected at 15% and this helped maintain a nice outer shell once the extrusion widths were adjusted, however it was causing warping (lifting from the bed), in my opinion that was unacceptable for fitment tolerances, so on the second print I used Grid infill at 20% and got no warping at all, doing this give up a bit of the smoothness that I was getting from the Gyroid infill, but I think the balance of the two is good, Of course these can be tuned farther, but I only have so much time and filament to give to this problem so I hope you'll find one of these acceptable.


Take some time and look around the .3mf It should help you get a better understanding of how things were done.

There's more to this but my time is short tonight. I Hope this helps.


Good Luck





The Filament Whisperer

Veröffentlicht : 05/11/2021 2:58 am
Daniel Cardona
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: PRUSA MK3S+ Banding issues

Hello Swiss_chesse

Please excuse my late reply, I've been doing some refurbishment at Home, the wife demands it 😕 🙂. I can't thank you enough for your help also all the other members who replied to this thread, thank you all.

I will try to print a door using your modified file and see what happens, I will print one because I don't think I have enough filament to print two at the same time. I will use the gyroid one and see how it turns out and I will post back ASAP with photos showing the results.

Thanks Again


Veröffentlicht : 07/11/2021 2:19 am
Noble Member
Keep Mama Happy



Good luck with the honey do list, It's best to keep the little woman happy, we'll be here when you return.





The Filament Whisperer

Veröffentlicht : 07/11/2021 2:42 am
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