Printing PLA less glossy
I've been trying to reduce the gloss on ColorFabb PLA Color On Demand as its loads shinier than other PLA accompanying parts without any success. Unfortunately I've already printed the parts using the other filament and re-printing those to try and increase gloss is not an option.
I've reduced nozzle temperature to 180C, increased extruder multiplier and also reduced speed and ensured max fan as well as running the cabinet open with fans on so its as cold as I can get it. Its not printing great with these settings but theres no point in finessing it as gloss is unchanged.
Would someone please be kind enough to have a look at the 3MF file and see if you think what I've done is correct and if theres other things to try?
If nothing can be done then I guess I'll have to rely on either sanding to reduce gloss or spraying with a lacquer to make all parts uniform. The ColorFabb is a particular RAL and so I don't want to look for an alternative filament.
RE: Printing PLA less glossy
Each line of filament has its own characteristics, if you want different manufacturers product to look the same then you're stuck with sanding and painting.
You could try a completely different colour so that it looks deliberate...
RE: Printing PLA less glossy
Thanks, I tried a couple of filaments and failed to a get a couple of shades of grey I wanted so ended up opting for the fairly expensive ColorFabb as I could compare the others to a RAL deck. I expected they'd be gloss differences but the ColorFabb one is tons shinier than either the Fillamentum or Fiberlogy I've used. I was hoping I could do something with temperature to reduce gloss at least a bit as post processing will be a very long task, I've circa 1,000 lego bricks to print so will do a practice clear coat to see how that turns out.
RE: Printing PLA less glossy
Silk finish filaments tend to be very glossy. The impact of temp, IMO, all depends on the composition of the mix that was extruded to make filament.
Satin clear spray will give you a uniform finish after the fact (not very shiny at all). Clear gloss spray will get you shiny consistency- but if you have not pre-sanded your parts, you'll need 3 to 4 coats to make up for the light-bending impact of the individual layer lines.