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printing on top of an object  

New Member
printing on top of an object

I'm making a box and I want to write some text on its cover. I don't want the text to be embossed, so my options are:

1. printing upside down

2. using supports

3. printing letters separately and then gluing them by hand.

And honestly I don't like them.


But then I came up with an idea. I'll print the cover separately and then print the text on top of it. The print will consist of:

a) some kind of base so that I could precisely position the cover

and b) letters positioned at the exact height of the cover.

I'll make them to be printed with different colors. And then insert the cover during color change. Problem is I can't generate g-code for that print - it says that I have empty layers (of course I do).

How do I solve this?what i'm trying to print


This topic was modified 4 years ago by RandomDude
Posted : 10/10/2020 6:48 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: printing on top of an object

On youtube there you can find a movie, printing of a phone case.

He makes 2 models and prints the letters(figures), he fills this in with a z-hop,  if I remember he uses 2 layers to fill in, so he has a flat top with 2 colors.

Posted : 14/10/2020 8:29 am