Porblems with orange petg
I have problems to print with th e original prusa orange petg.
It will not srick to the printer bed but it sticks to the nozzle.
I'm using the original parameters from slicer.
Does anyone know what to do, or does anyone have the same problems.
Thank you in advance,
Re: Problems with orange petg
The height setting is very sensitive when printing with PETG.
I have been doing ok with PETG and switch between that and PLA
to do PETG:
Clean with isopropyl alcohol
IMPORTANT - then wipe with Windex or similar so that the part does not stick too good.
I also pay close attention to the tip and clean this with a paper towel wrapped over my pliers - I use paper towel coated in Windex to do this cleaning. If the nozzle is dirty it will easily stick to the PETG and drag the material along. The trick is to get the nozzle to NOT stick while the bed IS sticking the material but not too much!
I set the Z (live adjust Z) anywhere from 0.015mm to 0.030mm higher than what I had with PLA. this adjustment is not precise because PLA has such a wide printing window and people may squish it a lot or not at all.
If the nozzle is low you will see the material squishing up on the side and this material that is squishing UP will drag on the nozzle.
summary - if you are not already printing very high, try increasing Z offset in 0.02 increments between trials until you get the first layer to stick.
I tend to use standard (from Prusa Slic3R) as much as I can but for PETG I changed my rule and slowed down the first layer speed to 20mm/s