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PLA Issues?  

Trusted Member
PLA Issues?

Hi all,

Looking for a tip from the pros. I have been printing with Sunlu PLA (black) from Amazon that has been printing excellent. I used up a complete roll with zero issues. I have recently ran out and I was excited to purchase Prusa PLA (Galaxy Black) and see some really great prints BUT I can not get it to print the first layer no matter what I seem to do. This is right out of the box so I felt it did not need to be baked. I changed temps, reduced speeds, changed settings in Filament type to Prusa PLA and used the same presets as I did with Sunlu but it sucks. It seems thin, stringy, and wont stick. I am using a texture plate with a ton of Prusa glue. Any tips or tricks I am missing? Boy am I disappointed but hoping I am just missing something easy. 

This is a brand new Prusa MK3S+ by the way.

Posted : 27/08/2021 2:51 pm
Z offset

Did you redo you Z offset and clean the bed?

Posted by: @rufus

Hi all,

Looking for a tip from the pros. I have been printing with Sunlu PLA (black) from Amazon that has been printing excellent. I used up a complete roll with zero issues. I have recently ran out and I was excited to purchase Prusa PLA (Galaxy Black) and see some really great prints BUT I can not get it to print the first layer no matter what I seem to do. This is right out of the box so I felt it did not need to be baked. I changed temps, reduced speeds, changed settings in Filament type to Prusa PLA and used the same presets as I did with Sunlu but it sucks. It seems thin, stringy, and wont stick. I am using a texture plate with a ton of Prusa glue. Any tips or tricks I am missing? Boy am I disappointed but hoping I am just missing something easy. 

This is a brand new Prusa MK3S+ by the way.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 27/08/2021 3:46 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Z offset

Hi CWBullet, Thanks for your reply. 

Yes my plate was cleaned and new Prusa glue put back on. 

No I did not redo the Z offset. I apologize because I am a little new to this but if you could help me understand why would I need to??

Just so you know I did have a little Black Sunlu left from another roll and I installed that into the Printer and it worked perfectly. Wouldn't this kind of tell me my offsets are OK or am I missing something??

Is redoing Z offset a must on every roll change from Prusa?

Posted : 28/08/2021 2:37 am

Each filament brand and type can have a little different z offset.  What do you mean by Prusa Glue?  

Posted by: @rufus

Hi CWBullet, Thanks for your reply. 

Yes my plate was cleaned and new Prusa glue put back on. 

No I did not redo the Z offset. I apologize because I am a little new to this but if you could help me understand why would I need to??

Just so you know I did have a little Black Sunlu left from another roll and I installed that into the Printer and it worked perfectly. Wouldn't this kind of tell me my offsets are OK or am I missing something??

Is redoing Z offset a must on every roll change from Prusa?


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 28/08/2021 2:51 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:

Understand and I will definitely give this a try. 

I should have been more specific about the glue. Its what Prusa sells, Kores type. I have use a bunch in a few months.

Just out of curiosity, once I use this auto z will the printer keep this setting until this action is completed again? It levels itself on every print so the offset will be added to this every time?

Thanks again for the response!  

Posted : 28/08/2021 3:49 am
Noble Member

Have you tried printing it on a "clean soap and water washed" sheet without glue?  also in my experience prusa filaments need to be printed a bit hotter then the recommended Temperature.


Good luck



The Filament Whisperer

Posted : 28/08/2021 4:50 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Soap and water

Thank you for the reply. No I have not tried soap and water. Would you still use the textured plate? 

When you say a bit hotter what number do you find works best? 10° above spec?

The filament seems a little stringy when it is put down so I am going to try the auto z offset. Guess I am a little disappointed on the outcome is all. I was hoping for a little better but I will try to make it work since I now have 2 full spools. 

I put the Sunlu back in and printed a bracket I designed and I used the ironing function for the first time and WOW does it look really nice. I am really happy with this printer just not the rolls of PLA from Prusa. Hope to fine tune later today. 

Posted : 28/08/2021 6:10 pm
Noble Member

Would you still use the textured plate?

No I would use one of my smooth or my satin sheets, I have one textured sheet that gives me trouble with PLA my other textured sheets do not. I never figured out why.

When you say a bit hotter what number do you find works best? 10° above spec?

I print my Prusament filaments hotter, Prusament PLA I normally print at 220C to 225C bed temp normally around 60C.

wash the sheets with really hot water, as hot as you can stand without burning yourself and use dish washing liquid with no additives if you have it. Dry with clean paper towels and do not touch the printing area of the sheet as you handle it, do not wipe with alcohol after & do not apply glue, just put it back on the bed and print on it, IPA is good for in-between's. 


Guess I am a little disappointed on the outcome is all. I was hoping for a little better but I will try to make it work since I now have 2 full spools. 

I put the Sunlu back in and printed a bracket I designed and I used the ironing function for the first time and WOW does it look really nice. I am really happy with this printer just not the rolls of PLA from Prusa.

Different filaments print differently, even filaments of the same type, you will have to learn the proper settings for each new filament you try, its all part of the process, as time goes on and you get more experience these things wont represent much of an issue for you.


Good Luck




The Filament Whisperer

Posted : 28/08/2021 11:57 pm


Thank you for the reply. No I have not tried soap and water. Would you still use the textured plate? 

I would try soap and water.  I use the textured plate will all filaments and use it almost exclusively.  

When you say a bit hotter what number do you find works best? 10° above spec?

I do tend to keep my bed and hotend on the hot side of the suggested level.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 29/08/2021 12:07 am