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PETG, ABS not sticking at all on Mk3 PEI sheet  

New Member
PETG, ABS not sticking at all on Mk3 PEI sheet

I tried to print PETG from company azurefilm ... it's written on spool it prints 230/60 degrees. A lot of people said on FB group that this is not PETG temps are too low. They said that is "special" PETG ... so, it won't stick very well to stock MK3 pei sheet. Z is adjusted and PLA stick fine and first layer is good. Also PETG and ABS first layers are good, but just not sticking to sheet well (already line printed outside print are when print starts, it gets off very easy when just touched by nail). I tried to clean PEI with soap and water, than cleaned it with IPA - same problem. I turned sheet around to never used side of PEI and same problem. It seems strange to me, because everyone said PETG should be printed with release agent, that otherwise sticks to PEI to well .. but not in my case 🙂

I really don't know what to try next... Should I play with temperatures (I tried higher nozzle and bed temps, maybe sticked better but still not enough)? Or try lowering Z more (now I'm at -0.960).

Thanks in advance for all your suggestions and help.

Posted : 30/09/2018 8:14 pm
Estimable Member
Re: PETG, ABS not sticking at all on Mk3 PEI sheet

I also have no use for the glue stick, I just let the sheet and part cool, and then the part releases as gently as PLA. My test with the glue stick seem to result in nearly identical adhesion, but with the extra steps of using it and then cleaning it off. When impatient (most of the time!) I put the sheet into the fridge for a quick cool down.

Also, I've used the default temps ala Prusa, and also much lower temps using Chris's Pretty PET V3 profile, doesn't seem to make a difference. It isn't the first time on my MK3 journey where advice offered by many, proves to be a disservice to me, probably because there are so many variables involved.

I would recommend being patient in your testing, keep test narrow in scope so that results are clear. It took me a few weeks to do that. I suggest taking the advice people give more as clues rather than solutions, and develop your own mastery of the device.

What I am learning, is that, once the printer itself is tuned, the sweet spot for at least PLA and PET settings is *VERY* forgiving. Also, sheet cleanliness is first priority, try soap for a test.

Posted : 30/09/2018 9:09 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: PETG, ABS not sticking at all on Mk3 PEI sheet

Got this with help from FB group - I used fine sandpaper and sanded PEI sheet, so it became mate, not glossy anymore. And now it sticks. (for now)

Posted : 04/10/2018 5:03 pm
Estimable Member
Re: PETG, ABS not sticking at all on Mk3 PEI sheet

Want to add my experiences:

I've printed a lot with PETG and learned a bit along the way.

In the beginning I had to play with Z-level and deviate from the PLA standard settings I had been using to get PETG to stick.
Once I found the best Z-level I had very little issues and I printed 1,5kg without any major issues. I even just wiped the PEI with my bare hands to use the skin oils to reduce bonding a bit.

Recently I am having difficulties to get the PETG to stick, even the same filament as before.
I found one issue which was a wrong Bontech gear tension (after using Flex) and another of a suspected partially clogged nozzle, which caused flow issues. It got better, but I still now have to clean the bed, and slow down the print at least for the first layer.

A few weeks ago I also had increasing issues with stringing and oozing, but that pretty much vanished again after starting to store the filament in a drybox with silica gel.

So my experience so far is that it can be really easy to print, but also a bit tricky.
Hope to get back to easy and reliable PETG printing.

Posted : 05/10/2018 10:44 am
Re: PETG, ABS not sticking at all on Mk3 PEI sheet

I had the same problem with PETG on both the PEI sticker sheet and powder coated. I now spray it down with Windex before use. I have no problem getting adhesion now.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 05/10/2018 2:50 pm