Pausing Printing
I would like to know if it is possible to pause a print and resume it after a few hours (8/10 hours) without problems.
Is it also possible to turn off the entire printer, or does printing not remain in memory?
If I pause printing for a long time will there be problems for the filament, or will printing resume without layer problems?
Re: Pausing Printing
Pause has given some of us, problems...
you could try the "Change Filament" option, from the LCD. take the filament out to stop the beeping, but dont put the filament back in.
the extruder heater should switch off leaving the heatbed on, to maintain adhesion.
when you wish to continue, insert the filament into the extruder, press the button to load the filament, the extruder will reheat, grip the waste pile with pliers, but don't pull it off,
when asked if the colour is clear, click yes,
and wait a few seconds
and the print should continue, pulling the waste off the extruder!
regards joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
Re: Pausing Printing
Thank you for your reply, Joan!
I hope that they will be able to fix the pause function, which would be very useful.
Can you tell me for how many hours the printer can print without problems before starting to have overheating or other problems?
Can I print for 37 consecutive hours without any problems?
Re: Pausing Printing
Hi Vallo,
Sorry, no I can't,
I have printed for over 24 hours on one print without overheating.
I have never had an over heating problem, however I live in the UK where ambient temperatures are modest.
if the ambient temperatures were higher, or the printer was inside an enclosure with poor temperature control, there might be an issue
I understand that Prusa run their production printers 24/7, in a moderately high ambient temperature, without issue!
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
Re: Pausing Printing
Ok, thank you for your answers!
Re: Pausing Printing
I've successfully paused a prints for many hours.
Normally I just do:
(1) Menu-->Pause Print (This also turns off the nozzle heater.)
Hours later:
(2) Menu-->Resume Print.
Sometimes I also want the heat-bed to be turned off, so that no heaters are on.
(1) Menu-->Pause Print
(2) Menu-->Settings-->Temperature-->Bed--> 0c.
Hours later:
(3) Menu--->Settings-->Temperature-->Bed-->210c (for PLA)
(4) Menu-->Resume Print
I'm running a Prusa i3 mk3 with firmware 3.2.1.
Hope that helps.
Re: Pausing Printing
Can you tell me for how many hours the printer can print without problems before starting to have overheating or other problems?
Can I print for 37 consecutive hours without any problems?
It doesn't matter if you print 5/50/500 hours. The printer itself is in stable (temperature wise) condition after 30-60 minutes. Electronics and firmware are pretty stable. Haven't seen a crash on my printers.
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Re: Pausing Printing
Pause from print jobs through Control Panel. You can also pause print jobs through the Control Panel by following the steps below. Open the Control Panel. Open Devices and Printers, Printers, or Printers and Faxes depending on your version of Windows. Double-click on the name of the printer that is being used.
Re: Pausing Printing
Using FW 3.5.1, the pause does work, it stops, moves out of the way, turns the extruder heaters off and sits there maintaining heater bed temperature.
When resume is initiated, the extruder heaters bring the head back up to temperature and the print continues.
Unfortunately, the extruder motor never actually turns off, but sits there maintaining it's position which leads it to getting hot, hot enough to make you pull your hand away after 15 minutes in pause.
This heat is going to get transferred straight down the shaft into the bondtech gears and possibly softening the filament.
Of all the parts that are least likely to require to be energised whilst in pause, why the extruder motor.
For this reason I will not be using pause for more than a few minutes at a time.
Shame as it would have been so useful at night.
Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.
Re: Pausing Printing
a power on stepper is locked in position so I would guess they do it that way to keep the relative position in the parked position. if the motor was not powered a slight knock would shift that position while the controller would think it was still where it had been parked
Re: Pausing Printing
I can understand Axis, but the extruder! ?, have you ever tried tugging the filament on a printer that is off, it does not move. Again, I can understand maybe holding the extruder until it has cooled down, but this seems to stay powered on continuously.
Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.
Re: Pausing Printing
Looks like pause does not turn of the steppers.
In ultralcd.cpp
It saves state to ram and sets the hotend temp to 0, but no mention of steppers.
//! @brief Pause print, disable nozzle heater, move to park position
void lcd_pause_print()
isPrintPaused = true;
if (LCD_COMMAND_IDLE == lcd_commands_type)
lcd_commands_type = LCD_COMMAND_LONG_PAUSE;
Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.
Re: Pausing Printing
Don't fall for it!. I tried pausing my MK3S overnight and in the morning, it informed me that it had timed out and there was nothing I could do to recover or continue the print.
RE: Pausing Printing
Bumping an old thread.
I am interested in a couple 36 hour 5 filament MMU prints but filament change failures can happen at any moment even with a perfectly tuned printer and Id prefer to only have the print running while Im awake. Running the latest firmware (3.9.0) does anyone out there regularly pause MMU prints overnight without issues?
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