RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
The funny part to me is still - "Sir you could not have a roll of ABS-T because we do not sell it." - Me - "Good point, so I could not possibly have ordered it!", "Sir, are you sure, can you send me a picture? You ordered EASY_ABS." (picture sent). "Ok. I am going to close this chat because you ordered ABS and you were shipped ABS".
I sure hope they take more care in the printer parts manufacturing.
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
Try chat again. You will more than likely get a different agent.
i3 Mk3 [aug 2018] upgrade>>> i3MK3/S+[Dec 2023]
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
Fascinating (but not for the op) thread, like watching a car sliding slowly on ice, can't quite figure out where it's going to end up.
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
concur - get a different agent. They should replace it.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
Too funny - I was just sorting through my normally not used filaments (back of the drawer stuff) and found a spool of: wait for it : PRUSA ABS-T -- and yes, I had ordered ABS, not ABS-T.
It is clear Prusa thinks ABS and ABS-T are the same thing.
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
ABS-T is similar and should print better, but some spools do not.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
I would say it simple. Take a look to the order confirmation. If you really ordered ASA and received ABS, ask for replacement. If you by mistake ordered ABS, your problem. ASA is just in five very standard colours so far. Because ASA and ABS are in the same eshop section, I would guess you just made a mistake.
Then we can discuss about easyABS and ABS-T. I have never seen any specification about easyABS. It more less just a marketing name. Should probably mean, that this roll of ABS is a bit easier to print then standard ABS. But that is all. You received really ABS-T. But how do you know, it is not what you ordered? Is it easier to print then ABS? I agree the should get rid of such a confusing naming. But it is not relevant, you wanted ASA and ordered ABS. So why to blame the seller? You can return not opened goods back and receive a replacemnt, if you really want to. Thas is your right in 14 days after purchasing.
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
... or money back. But the shipping costs are on you in this case.
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
ABS is not hard to print once you get used to what you should and should not print with it. You also need to learn how much squish and I recommend hair spray to the surface. Some parts warp and others do not. I just do not print things that tend to warp. ABS is great for end-use tools, moving parts, and parts that have to withstand high mechanical stress.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
Money back, another roll, or store credit is what they should do.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
Considering he really by mistake ordered ABS instead of ASA, and is not happy with. In that case he has got a 14 days period to send the goods back and received the money back (just for the product, not the shipping). It is from law for all purchases made remotely without a chance to check the goods before leaving the shop. But he will have to pay the shipping back in addition. Sure he can ask to send another product instead of money, but again he will have to pay for the shipping.
If he will claim he received a different product than he ordered, he can also send this back as a "warranty" issue. In this case if the issue is confirmed by the seller, he has a right to get back also money for shipping (both).
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
It depends on what else was ordered. Law is a tough thing because you can file a suit but it will cost you more than the order.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
There for I mention shipping. Because that will be the final decision factor. If it was a missorder, it is probably better to keep it and use it. It does not matter if it is ABS or ASA. It is quite similar.
If he ordered ASA but received ABS, costs goes on Prusa and it will be better to ask replacement or cash back.
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
FWIW I've just noticed from my last filament order, it would appear that if you order EasyABS you get ABS-T. I've only printed Orange so far but it seems fine.
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
I have had a similar experience with orange, blue, and yellow. On roll of black was less than desirable and nearly always warps unless the print is thing.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
I'm already well set to print ABS and use it pretty often these days (vented enclosure)
I think I'll just go ahead and print it and see how it goes.
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
I did print some of that ABS-T - I was pleasantly surprised by how little it stank and that my AQM didn't start shouting at me.
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
What is an AQM?
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
Air Quality Manager / Monitor
RE: Ordered ASA, ABS-T arrived
What is that? Sorry to tanget. Is that your nose?
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog