Made some cuts, printed 'em, computer restarted unexpectedly, need to make the rest of the cuts line up
So, yeah... I have this giant file. I'd cut portions out of it but not the whole thing, and have been printing those (about three spools worth over 30 hours). Then, unexpectedly, I come home from work to finish the cuts and my computer is off. I hadn't saved the .stl file post-cut so now I have a bunch of .gcode files of the cuts and the .stl of the original. What are my options?
If nothing else I'd like to import both the .stl and the .gcode files into Prusaslicer and line them up manually, and re-cut at those intersections, but I can't figure out how do to that. Is this possible? Are there other options? I can't restart the print but I need everything to line up perfectly.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
RE: Made some cuts, printed 'em, computer restarted unexpectedly, need to make the rest of the cuts line up
It help to post more information. I am not sure I fully understand.
I would start with computer type, software, and file types.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Made some cuts, printed 'em, computer restarted unexpectedly, need to make the rest of the cuts line up
You can't import gcode into prusa slicer. Gcode is the final output sent to the printer and it just describes moves for the various axis and how much plastic to squirt out and when. Its not your models and so cant be used that way.
I think your only option is to do it again. This time though save the project afterwards. Just get into the habit of creating the project first, then adding objects etc and save periodically as you are working on things, That way even if you have a power cut and your pc goes off you still have everything up to your last save. With a saved project you can slice again, or make changes and slice. Once you have gcode its very hard to do anything with it. While you can edit it or post process it if you know what you are doing its much more limited that having a saved project.
RE: Made some cuts, printed 'em, computer restarted unexpectedly, need to make the rest of the cuts line up
It is like Neophyl said. Restart and save every step.
But you can import the gcode files into prusa-gcode viewer that is part of the PrusaSlicer install.
That way you can atleast see at what layer height you made the cuts.
RE: Made some cuts, printed 'em, computer restarted unexpectedly, need to make the rest of the cuts line up
And don't try to use your windows computer as a print server. Too many power saving and screens saver features. Only use the SD card for this unless you have octoprint/octopi on a raspberry pi or dedicated Linux computer.