jams end layer-issues, no print succeeds (standard prusa-setting, pursament, ...)
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jams end layer-issues, no print succeeds (standard prusa-setting, pursament, ...)  

Estimable Member
jams end layer-issues, no print succeeds (standard prusa-setting, pursament, ...)

Recently every print I make has issues with jams or producing strange layers.
I have an MK3 which I recently upgraded to MK3S.
I did some very decent prints with the MK3S but in the last week, none of my printing succeeds.
I thought it had to do with the hot weather so switched my printer to the cool basement; same error.

Tried different filaments; same error.

I sliced the stl in different settings (switching from 0.15 quality to 0.2 to 0.2 speed,...); same error

I have upgraded my printer to the latest firmware (afaik) and use the latest Slic3rPE: Prusaslicer 2.0

the error never occurs on the first layer (or first 3mm) but alwasy occurs after about 4 or more mm height ... but it varies.
IF a print works down till the end, i only find the strange badly-bonded layers bewteen 4 and 15mm. the rest of the print there are no issues.

I'm using different colors of Prusament (galaxy black, purple, gentlemen grey) now, as i thought it had to do with moisture in old filaments, but even with these prusament-rolls, freshly delivered and out of the wrapping; same error

I checked the hardware on the printing (the threaed Z-rods) but they seem perfect.

I experience some glitches in the elektricity the last week: lights dimming suddenly then back to normal, so I thought this might have something to do with it but then the error would not occur always on the same heigt of a print.

Do not know what I can do next, bit frustrated and losing hope ...

Planning on re-updating firmware, re-installing slicer ....


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Posted : 02/07/2019 9:12 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: jams end layer-issues, no print succeeds (standard prusa-setting, pursament, ...)

a picture where you can see the layer issue affected all objects on the bed.

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Posted : 02/07/2019 9:29 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: jams end layer-issues, no print succeeds (standard prusa-setting, pursament, ...)

! update.

Just noticed there was a recent update for the firmware. Am installing this.
also, a tiny testprint did NOT show the error for the first time.

COuld it be that one object has an error which causes the printer to flunk one or more layers in the entire print?


Posted : 02/07/2019 10:57 am