Issues with certain shapes
I'm looking for any help/advice
I'm relatively new to 3d printing but seem to have had quite a bit of luck getting some decent results so far
The one issue I am a bit lost with is what is causing the issue in the photo, I've tried to print a couple of different helmets and generally my results are ok but I get this sort of stringing, always on the inside, as though the filament is too short. When I've been experimenting with slicers I still get the same issue
RE: Issues with certain shapes
That is filament not sticking to the layers below, so it gets dragged across and forms those spans. Usually its because the overhang is too steep for the wall thickness.
Would need to see your project file to confirm though. (File>Save Project As from slicer and then ZIP up the resulting .3mf file and attach it, must be zipped or the forum wont accept the file). With a saved project we can see all the settings in play as its a snapshot of your setup. Best way to debug issues as we can also slice and check out the preview and iterate changes etc.
Few things you can try-
Print hotter so that the filament will stick more
Print slower, same reason as above
Print with increased extrusion width
I've printed a few helmets 🙂 Usually those only occur for me right towards the very top where the overhang really starts to increase before it gets the the middle supported areas that I usually add.
RE: Issues with certain shapes
Hey, thanks so much for the reply! That's exactly where they have appeared - at the top as the helmet starts to close up but before the supports kick in.
The good thing is it's not ruined the print so it really just means a little bit more post print work which isn't the end of the world - I just wanted to see if there was anything that was causing it that I could try in the future.
I'll definitely look at both your suggestions on heat and speed - I don't have the file anymore to upload unfortunately
I love it as a hobby but so much to learn