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Is there a trick to printing <=0.1 layer height?  

Active Member
Is there a trick to printing <=0.1 layer height?

Ok, so I'm trying to dial in my printer to get my layer height down for some prints I want to do in the future and they just aren't working.

Printing w/ .2 and .15 layer heights are fine though. It just starts acting up when I go to .1.

Printing 3d Benchy at .2(left) and .15(right)

Here's what I'm getting when I try to print at 0.1 layer height. I'm using Slic3r PE and it happens on default Prusa profiles for PLA and my own custom profiles. I've tried adjusting temperatures and speeds but no dice. I swear it's trying to over extrude.

Also, the bottom layers seems to be printing fine. It's happening when it hits the infill layers.

I have done extruder calibration, so I just don't know what I can do to fix this.

Posted : 23/09/2018 10:07 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Trick to printing <=0.1 layer height?

Additional: Here's my extruder calibration w/ target wall thickness of .45. The cube was in fact printed with .1 layer height as well.

Posted : 23/09/2018 10:12 pm
Vojtěch Bubník
Member Admin
Re: Is there a trick to printing <=0.1 layer height?

There is an issue with the current implementation of the gyroid infill, it over extrudes at low layer heights. Please use a different infill pattern.

Posted : 26/09/2018 5:34 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Is there a trick to printing <=0.1 layer height?

Yeah, that's something I've been toying with, but it doesn't seem to solve all my issues.

I've found a conversation about printing Benchy and someone was having similar issues as me. He reported that reducing the outer perimeter size was also helpful in fixing some artifacts he was getting.

I'm currently printing out some models I know I can print, so I'll make another attempt at smaller layer heights this weekend.

Posted : 27/09/2018 2:51 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Is there a trick to printing <=0.1 layer height?

[...] I'm currently printing out some models I know I can print, so I'll make another attempt at smaller layer heights this weekend.
You might want to try a simple 20x20x20mm cube with a single perimeter, no infill and 0 top layers. I print the hollow cube any time I'm trying new layer height and/or nozzle settings. It eliminates a lot of variables from the problem. For lower layer heights, I do print a 0.20mm 1st layer height for adhesion, but otherwise, basic settings. Good luck with it.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 27/09/2018 6:28 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Is there a trick to printing <=0.1 layer height?

[...] I'm currently printing out some models I know I can print, so I'll make another attempt at smaller layer heights this weekend.
You might want to try a simple 20x20x20mm cube with a single perimeter, no infill and 0 top layers. I print the hollow cube any time I'm trying new layer height and/or nozzle settings. It eliminates a lot of variables from the problem. For lower layer heights, I do print a 0.20mm 1st layer height for adhesion, but otherwise, basic settings. Good luck with it.

Already did that. 2nd post.

Posted : 27/09/2018 7:36 pm