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Interior perimeter crossing with TPU stringing  

Eminent Member
Interior perimeter crossing with TPU stringing

I'm trying to print some wedding band samples in flexible material. I'm getting good results with the material itself in my MK2.5 setup, but my problem is with how Slic3r is programming the print head moves. Since I'm printing with TPU, there's more than the usual stringing involved. But when I print a ring, it's moving the print head across the interior gap, which is leaving strings and blobs on the inner surface, which is annoying when you try to wear the ring. This is what the Slic3r preview is showing me for the moves:

These are the settings I'm using:

Does anyone know of a way to prevent the print head from crossing the interior? Is the "Avoid crossing perimeters" setting meant to do that, and it's just broken? I'm at a loss with this one.


Posted : 18/08/2018 6:01 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Interior perimeter crossing with TPU stringing

I'm not certain exactly what setting was doing this, but I reverted back to the existing 0.20 mm Normal profile that came with Slic3r and modified that to change the speeds and infill settings. After doing that, it's showing the correct behavior and not crossing through the interior of the ring. 🙄 So I can move forward now, at least.

Posted : 18/08/2018 7:34 pm