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improve shape on supported area / print speed  

Active Member
improve shape on supported area / print speed

Hi Everybody,

I received my kit two weeks ago and I have print quite a lot of parts now. It is my first kit but I have been using many "plug and play" printers. I currently use sometimes an Ultimaker3. As I share this machine with other people, I wanted to have my own printer and I choose the MK3.
I didn't have any calibration issue, I didn't have any fail according to the Statistics Info.

I try to print a 3D file (I have printed it several times in the past on the Ultimaker3), I have done already 5 tests on the MK3, adjusting settings each time. But I can't reach the quality I want.
Please have a look on this image:

The orange/red piece has been printing on my Ultimaker 3 with Cura without any setting adjustement (my machine has already 6500 hours of total printing time, I never touch anything on it, belt, nozzle...nothing).

The red piece has been printed on my MK3, with Slic3r. As you can see on the green square, the line are not straight after removing the supports. I try to adjust the support settings without any success.
Also, the other small green square shows another problem...

Does anyone has a tip for me? Do you think I should change Slic3r for Cura or S3D? I really believe this machine is capable to reach the same quality as my Ultimaker 3.

Another question, when I reduce the speed on the machine (during printing), for example to 50%, which speed does it really affect? Does it change ALL the speed parameters? Or only the perimeters, infill, acceleration?

Many thanks for your help.

Posted : 20/05/2018 11:19 am
Honorable Member
Re: improve shape on supported area / print speed

to be fair, you're comparing it to 4000$ machine with much better stock cooling than the mk3. I'm not surprised that unsupported overhangs aren't as nice.

I'm still learning slic3r (normally use s3d), but its support options leave a little to be desired. Though with PLA you should easily be able to bridge that without supports.

Posted : 20/05/2018 2:03 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: improve shape on supported area / print speed

Thank you for your answer.
On both machines, I have printed these parts with supports, I have removed them before taking the picture.
You are right, these are not the same machine range and the print quality is really different. But I thought the MK3 was able to print this part correctly with supports. I will try to investigate by adjusting settings.

Posted : 20/05/2018 6:20 pm