How do i print Hyperbolic Funnel? (VERY high overhang angle with supports)
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How do i print Hyperbolic Funnel? (VERY high overhang angle with supports)  

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RE: How do i print Hyperbolic Funnel? (VERY high overhang angle with supports)


which hex pattern infill do you mean? honeycomb? I suppose I can try that one too yeh. I will try honeycomb and 10 top layers and 0.07mm

layer height isn't 0.2... it's 0.05 or 0.07 now, 0.2 is for the rest of the model.

Height modifier is luckily working for me, I used it to change layer height to 0.07 and infill to 100% for this crucial top section.
it won't let me change layer height to 0.05, but it will let me do 0.07 tho, so good enough I guess...

Napsal : 17/09/2019 7:09 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: How do i print Hyperbolic Funnel? (VERY high overhang angle with supports)

0.7 mm (10 x 0.07 mm) is still very thin and print through is to be expected. 

100% infill is unnecessary - that's make for a huge printing cost.  Just adjust the number of top layers to get a good rigid and robust surface.  Kids will be dropping marbles on it, right?

Layer heights are limited by the printer range parameters; nominal range is 0.07 to 0.25 mm; you can change the setting to allow more variability.  Keep in mind variable layers also affects how infill is produced and may have negative impact on top layer quality (e.g., voids and common on organic shapes). 

Napsal : 17/09/2019 10:23 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How do i print Hyperbolic Funnel? (VERY high overhang angle with supports)

you are right, I didn't even think 0.07x10 is not that much 😀 I bumped it to 11 top layers now but it seems to be working fine at 10.  Well, kids won't be dropping marbles on it, its automated machine with motor, but yeah marbles will be "dropping" on it for a long time. So I'll see if I need more top layers or not. This machine is more meant for grown-up kids like myself 😀

right now I redesigned the funnel a bit. Before I had hyperbolic shape, but it did not give me the desired effect of those coin gravity wells. I found cross section sketch of the gravity well and now I remodeled it because it turns out they are not hyperbolic lol. Basically, it's quite a bit less flat at the top now. Marbles were just rolling around the top edge until they lost enough momentum to just drop in the middle.

Now I am printing final test piece(9th already) because on Friday I'm going on two weeks vacation and I'm also gonna run out of filament so I will need to buy more 🙂 when I come back, I will print the whole piece.

25 hour print time, not including the base for the module and also need  to do the path that will send marbles into the funnel... ajajaj 🙂 Not the best scenario when trying to sell models, but okay, hopefully it will look and work amazingly once its printed

This is what im trying to do if anyone is interested in these sort of things 🙂  (skip to 2:53 for this particular piece)

Thanks, everyone for your amazing help! turns out I just needed to crank up top layers way up!

This post was modified před 5 years 4 times by bizilux
Napsal : 18/09/2019 11:03 am
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