Globs with flexible filament
I am trying to print the following item without much success
I am using Gray Sainsmart TPU.
The first time I printed it, I used the SemiFlex filament settings and I got this result:
The outside is nearly perfect, but the inside has big globs and a lot of stringing.
Next I turned off all of the retraction settings.
This made a huge difference in the stringing, but the globs are still there. You can see that they occur on the back side of the circular indents in the model.
I have printed this at least a dozen times changing the temperature and print speeds. I also baked the filament for an hour. I am able to pretty much get rid all of the stringing, but nothing I've done has any impact on the globs. My guess is that the nozzle is over-extruding either when it starts or finishes travel between points. I don't see any settings that would let me reduce the amount of filament extruded in these cases.