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Flexi print not flexible  

New Member
Flexi print not flexible

I am a first time 3-D printer.  I tried printing this flexi cat but the bridges were fused to the top part of the cat, making the flexi not bendable at all.  Anybody can help? Thank you.  As I looked at the picture, I also realized the print was not so clean ...


Posted : 10/09/2021 1:26 am
Noble Member

post a Zipped up .3mf project file, and help will follow in short order.


Don't underestimate the zipping up part.





The Filament Whisperer

Posted : 10/09/2021 3:11 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Where can I find the file?

So sorry, I am new to all this, but where do I find the file?

Posted : 10/09/2021 5:35 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:

I misunderstood.  Here is the file.  Thank you!

Flexi_Cat (1)

Posted : 10/09/2021 5:48 am
Illustrious Member

You place the part(s) in Prusa Slicer, select your profiles etc exactly as you do for slicing and then you use File>Save Project As.  This will save a .3mf file to the location you specify just like saving any other file.  The 3mf file when saved from Prusa Slicer will create a snapshot of your work environment.  So it will save the model(s), any modifiers you may be using, placement, and a copy of all the profiles currently selected.
Its the best way to debug things as we don't have to keep asking about all the settings etc.  Its also a good habit to save any project for normal use unless doing a 1 off.

Don't forget about then zipping up the 3mf file so the forum will accept it.

Posted : 10/09/2021 6:24 am
Illustrious Member

These things can be tricky. If you're slightly overextruding, the tolerances that worked for the model's designer may not work for you, so the parts are fused. One thing you can try is to simply scale the model a bit in prusaslicer, say to 105%, to create more space.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 10/09/2021 11:37 am
Illustrious Member

You zipped the .stl, not the .3mf so I can't see your settings.

I broke open the file to examine the joints; there are a couple of beginner errors but the file should print if the printer is really well set up 'though there are probably some better designed ones somewhere.

I would print this with 0.2mm layers and perhaps reduce the print temperature by 5 degrees, but until we see your .3mf this is mostly guesswork.


Posted : 10/09/2021 3:08 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
flexi cat file


I have a lot to learn ...  I hope this time I attached the correct file.  Thank you, all.  

Posted : 10/09/2021 11:27 pm
Dan Rogers
Noble Member
.2mm, and get that first layer right

First layers are very important for this kind of print - if the pictures show the bottom layer, there is a ways to improve the Z here.  And don't print a "print in place" print at draft mode.  Start at .2mm resolution.

Posted : 11/09/2021 5:32 am
Illustrious Member

Generic PETG...  Print in place is trickier with PETG than PLA.  PETG needs to be very precisely dialled in to avoid seized or irregular moving surfaces.  I would try again with PLA or a PETG for which Prusa supplies a tailored profile.

'Generic' is an approximation that will be OK-ish with almost any filament but probably not ideal.


Posted : 11/09/2021 4:50 pm
Noble Member



To confirm, your file finally attached fine. I have looked over your .3mf file and it looks to be in order, I was going to make the same suggestion as Diem, try printing the file in PLA and see how it turns out. another suggestion worth mentioning again is you may be over extruding as Fuchsr mentioned above, your image is showing signs of this. I would suggest calibrating the extrusion multiplier for the PETG your using (you never did mention what brand) they are not all created equal.


Good Luck



The Filament Whisperer

Posted : 11/09/2021 6:24 pm