extrudr BDP Pearl filament - experience mini-report - it shines, in a nice way
already before my mk3s kit arrived, i ordered a few spools of different filament for the fun - one of these was extrudr's BDP Pearl ( https://www.extrudr.com/en/products/catalogue/pearl-natur_2277/) promising being compostable under regular composting conditions and not only biodegradable under special conditions. also, i liked the way it looked on the spool pictures in the shops. 🙂
as prusa-slicer 2.0.0 do not have a profile ready to be used, i had to titrate the temps a bit to get it right - here i want to share the key data points and get feedback from others if they are using it too. extrudr should have another BDP filament called "Flax", which should print with same conditions, but this i did not try (the filament is about 20-30 % more expensive than other materials promising being mechanically worse, so the appeal has to be in how it looks and feels as well as the easier recycling which i still want to test at a later stage)
- on the box: nozzle 140-210 °C | hotbed 0-60 °C | speed 60-120 mm/s
- on their website: nozzle 150-190 °C | hotbed 0-60 °C | speed 60-120 mm/s
- on my filament shop website: 170-200 °C
WTF? not even the producer can agree on settings... or maybe it got updated... ok, lets try (hotbed at 55 °C for this runs and part cooling fan 80-100 % PWM):
- 160 °C => no filament comes out the nozzle while printing starts - aborted
- 170 °C => works fine, but slight underextrusion
- 170 °C extr 1.10 => too much
- 170 °C extr 1.05 => looks good
- 180 °C extr 1.05 => looks good, less shiny
- 190 °C extr 1.05 => looks good, even less shiny
- 200 °C extr 1.05 => less shiny, stringing?
- 210 °C extr 1.05 => stringing, bit messy at start-stop positions
then played with 2 °C steps and came to the conclusion: safe range for printing 168 °C to 196 °C to result in good prints
hotbed? everywhere it says it is not needed... hmm... so lets try reducing the temp (performed while trying to print some boxes for children's toy cubes 118 mm x 77 mm wide):
- 55 °C => corners of the box slightly lifted up slightly - warping?
- 40 °C (i did start the print before investigating the result of the 55 °C in detail) - lots of warping and shrinkage ~1 %
- 60 °C flat, no warping, no shrinkage, but first 1-2 layers bit wider than designed/sliced
hotbed 60 °C
nozzle temp 168-196 °C is ok. lower temps result in more shiny surfaces, above 192 shiny-ness gone
open points:
- anyone knows how to set a continuous temperature ramp across layers or regions in prusa-slicer? i want to see if the shiny-ness can be used as a design element (e.g. having a photo or text decorating a 3d structure not only in x-y-z but shinyness). not sure the nozzle temp regulation on my mk3s is fast enough for something like that though.
- i added a feature request for the i3 firmware to include a preheat-setup for BDP material (186 / 55): https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware/issues/2066
- should i add a feature request to include the material and profile for BDP in prusa-slicer? or are you guys contacting the filament producers directly for something like this?
- if someone wants me to test something specific and benefiting the community, i have still some material and am willing to participate - i have all nozzle sizes, but keep the print/experiment times and material amounts small if possible (i have only one printer for now and a lot of ideas and lots of different filaments 🙂 )
RE: extrudr BDP Pearl filament - experience mini-report - it shines, in a nice way
https://www.prusaprinters.org/prints/4792-box-for-toy-blocks is the box i mentioned regarding warping and shrinking
RE: extrudr BDP Pearl filament - experience mini-report - it shines, in a nice way
are you using a 0.6mm nozzle?
as far as I can see, this is a pre configured Gcode file, based on 0.6mm nozzle and 0.3mm layer height, trying to print this with a 0.4mm nozzle will almost certainly result in a failure!
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: extrudr BDP Pearl filament - experience mini-report - it shines, in a nice way
it is a pre configured gcode file i pre configured to work with a 0,6 mm nozzle - i did my experiments with 0,4 and 0,6 mm nozzles with no differences in the factors described in the post above: all holds true for 0,4 and 0,6 with layer heights 0,15 and 0,3 tested (didn't test others)
EDIT: only confusing part is that when i upload a gcode to the "parts" website and it has materials in it which are not available on the website (BDP is missing), it results in the empty field and you cannot publish it - so i switched it to PLA just to publish it
RE: extrudr BDP Pearl filament - experience mini-report - it shines, in a nice way
Sorry, Didn't realise....
I am away from my printer for a couple of days, so can't give it a try.
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: extrudr BDP Pearl filament - experience mini-report - it shines, in a nice way
no problem - you have also extrudr BDP in use?
RE: extrudr BDP Pearl filament - experience mini-report - it shines, in a nice way
RE: extrudr BDP Pearl filament - experience mini-report - it shines, in a nice way
cups and small bowls experiments in BDP Pearl
RE: extrudr BDP Pearl filament - experience mini-report - it shines, in a nice way
(AHH! this forum is very buggy in the "Media" department) 🙁