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[Solved] Beginners Problem: Extrusion Issues Mk3s+  

Active Member
Beginners Problem: Extrusion Issues Mk3s+

Hi guys,

I am fairly new to 3d printing an I have run into a problem, that I do not understand.

I own a MK 3 S+ that came pre-assembled and is only a couple of months old. Until recently I didn't experience any major issues (with both PLA and PETG).

Lately though I am unable to print even basic PLA prints. The first layers are printed fine, yet the following layers are printed with an increasingly rough surface (which the nozzle then scratches against). I have made some pictures to illustrate the issue. 

I would like to point out, that I have not changed any significant settings (since the printer came out of the factory) before experiencing the issue. Things I have already tried:

a) First Layer Calibration and reduce Z

b) Z Calibration, Full system test (fans, heatbed, extruder etc.)

I am using Prusament PLA, with the standard settings suggested by Prusa Slicer (215 degrees nozzle, 60 degrees heat bed). I have tried out different rolls of PLA. I have used the same rolls in the past, without any issues.

It is irrelevant, which .stl or .gcode I use. I have, for example, used these or these or the Prusa Logo gcode that came with the printer.

Based upon an internet search I would assume the problem might be overextrusion, however I have no experience to back that up. I could try to change the nozzle maybe (it is a couple of roughly 4 months old and I have printed a lot)?

Thank you so much for your help!

Best Answer by FoxRun3D:

Have you tried cold pulls to make sure you don't have a partial clog?

Posted : 30/04/2022 5:42 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Beginners Problem: Extrusion Issues Mk3s+

Have you tried cold pulls to make sure you don't have a partial clog?

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 30/04/2022 8:04 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Beginners Problem: Extrusion Issues Mk3s+

I can’t tell looking at the blue circle but the two silver rectangles that might be the Prusa badge look like they’re ‘curled’ and not perfectly flat. If that’s the case, you likely have an adhesion issue that is causing the appearance of over extrusion.

Everyone seems to have their own method of getting adhesion back. My rant on sheet cleaning is the last post on this thread:

Here’s hoping the answer is that simple.


Posted : 01/05/2022 4:31 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Beginners Problem: Extrusion Issues Mk3s+

Thanks for all your help!

I will try the cold pull, but it seems to me that there is too much plastic coming out of the nozzle rather then too little.

There are no adhesion issues, unfortunately. The bend that you have so keenly observed was made by me, when I tried to peel of the print (in frustration 🙂 ) The grey prints are in fact the prusa logo.

I have also contacted support at this point, maybe they know a solution...

Posted : 01/05/2022 8:46 am
Noble Member

I'd say fuchsr points into the right direction. I don't think it's an adhesion problem or over extrusion, more like a partial clog or something wrong with your extruder. Did you check the gears, idler door and PTFE in the extruder? That's what I'd check first. And use the default settings for everything.

Wear of the nozzle seems unlikely after 4 month unless you printed abrasive filaments (like glow in the dark filament or filaments with other particles in them). 

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
Find out why this is pinned in the general section!

Posted : 01/05/2022 4:39 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Beginners Problem: Extrusion Issues Mk3s+

Thanks fuchsr, Randy and Robin!

First I cleaned all the gears and checked the inside of the extruder, but all was fine. I then did two cold pulls and it seems it was indeed a partial clog. It is printing just fine now. One final question, so that I may learn from this incident: What gave you the impression it was a clog?

Thanks again, very much!


Posted : 02/05/2022 11:11 am