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Bed adhesion problems  

New Member
Bed adhesion problems

We just received our new i3 MK3 printer. At first it seemed to work well but lately we have been having a problem where the print comes off the bed midway through the printing process. We have tried increasing the bed tempature by 10 degrees, we have added rafts, and we have cleaned the surface with alcohol (will try detergent next) and have run the callibriation wizard. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.

Posted : 06/10/2018 6:52 pm
Noble Member
Re: Bed adhesion problems

dish soap and water (like your washing a dish) does magic. some people do alcohol after but I never need to.

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Posted : 07/10/2018 1:08 am
Reputable Member
Re: Bed adhesion problems

I second the dish soap suggestion above.

It seems that you had good prints, but then they stopped adhering so you know mechanically there is not an issue. It does happen and I suspect that IPA does not remove all the print residue from filament stuf completely. I know I do not touch the surface of my plate and still occasionally have to do a dish soap wash and rinse to cure adhesion problems when they occur. Without fail, after a wash with dish soap and water, the same print that failed does not have a problem.

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Posted : 07/10/2018 1:47 am
Trusted Member
Re: Bed adhesion problems

I do believe the problem is a dirty plate, but i have found that switching to PET solves all of the adhesion problems and I don't have to worry about whether or not this one will fail.

PET sticks must better than PLA and therefore is more tolerant of a dirty plate.

My first prints on my MK3 failed for this reason. I tried printing Marvin, the frog, and Benchy the boat. all three were printing awesome until they fell off the bed. I tried cleaning the plate with soap/water, alcohol, etc. They would still fall off at various points. I added brims, same problem. I switched to PET and everything (and I mean everything) prints perfectly.

Posted : 11/10/2018 1:19 pm
Noble Member
Re: Bed adhesion problems

care with pet it might stick too well after cleaning

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Posted : 11/10/2018 8:42 pm