Adding colour change in the middle of a layer
I printed this image by placing the different colours in different layers, because the Slicer can't add colour changes in the middle of one layer. The result was nice, but the image gets a peculiar height structure.
So my next attempt is to edit the g code. This is how Slicer puts a colour change between the layers:
M600 activates the filament change procedure, right? And M73 sets the time count and percentage count as info to the user. They don't have to be accurate, right? I mean, the printer does its job no matter what these values are, right? And the next line (15410) extrudes until the new colour is pure. Would it be enough to copy these three lines to anywhere I want to change the colour? Or is line 15412 still a part of the colour change procedure?
The different colours have to be imported to a Slicer project as separate stl files as objects that don't overlap. Slicer prints them in separate turns. Luckily it marks in the g code where one object ends and another starts, at each layer. Like line 15412 in my code snippet.