About to pull whats left of my hair out.
I have had the MK3 going on two years now. It used to be the Flawless and my go-to printer when I didn't care about speeds. (Bmabu X1c) for speeds and larger prints, that I need done promptly.
I had an issue with the Prusa, and she got put on the back burner for about a year. I had to replace the hot end thermistor. I finally did this and then went through a full calibration and setup wizard, downloaded the new 2.8 slicer, and attempted to do a 3D bench.
I have now attempted 15 or so benchys with so many different settings... NOTHING HAS HELPED...
It seems that I can't get the PLA to cool enough. The edges and top layer are still molten and very mailable, to the point that you can see the nozzle pushing down the later as it goes around.
The top layer edges are curling up and would love some help before this thing gets thrown in the dumpster.
will try and add some photos when I upload them.
We can't do much without pictures.
Make sure your fans are clean and running freely.
RE: About to pull whats left of my hair out.
I am currently attempting a small pumpkin head and things seem to be going fine. I'm not sure why I was having so many issues with the benchy
I'm not sure why I was having so many issues with the benchy
The main reason for problems with Benchys is they are torture test prints, intended to be hard to print well and meant to be used for diagnostic purposes.
Screenshots of settings are of much less use than a .3MF project file. First slice your model as if you were about to print it then:
Files > Save Project as
Zip the .3mf and post it here. It will contain both your part and your settings for us to diagnose.
- but looking at your broken Benchies suggests two issues; you appear to have a fan problem - if the machine was left unused for a while it might be as mundane as a spider web wound around the hub or just a build-up of sticky dust on the blades.
And your first layer looks odd - the picture is not sharp enough to be certain so give your print sheet a thorough clean and start a print then stop or pause at the end of the first layer and show it to us *on the print sheet*
RE: About to pull whats left of my hair out.
Here are the two prints i did today as torcher tests.
Your print sheet must be clean, the pictures clearly show it is not.
If cleaning does not fix your first layer problem then look at:
and it looks like you still have a fan problem - if the fans are clean and running smoothly then check the fan shroud is correctly fitted and undamaged.