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Z Stop Concern -MK3S+  

New Member
Z Stop Concern -MK3S+


When doing a calibration. The Z axis check raises the print head as far up as it needs to. My concern is that while it is doing this, the right motor stops when you would expect it to(at the top end of the rod and gear) however, the left motor continues to run as if it were still trying to reach the top. This makes the mechanism grind for a short time. I checked and expected to see a z stop i could inspect/adjust but perhaps thats not applicable to this printer as i did not see one?


Any help would be appreciated 👍🏼

Posted : 07/03/2022 6:37 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Z Stop Concern -MK3S+

What your seeing is normal behavior and will not damage the printer. This is how the mk3 works. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 07/03/2022 6:46 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z Stop Concern -MK3S+

Thank you for your help as we transition and  invest into the Prusa ecosystem.  I appreciate you taking the time to reply to what has likely been asked before. 

🐢 N-T 

Posted by: @fuchsr

What your seeing is normal behavior and will not damage the printer. This is how the mk3 works. 


Posted : 08/03/2022 4:51 pm