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Z Calibration failure after firmware upgrade  

Z Calibration failure after firmware upgrade

It's been a few weeks since I printed or sliced anything and noticed that there was a firmware  update for my MK3S, so I updated my prusaslicer to the newest version and downloaded the drivers and firmware (hex file) for my printer. The installation of the drivers as well as the firmware upgrade seemed to go flawlessly. However upon calibrating the X is ok and at first the Y was passing but when it comes to the Z axis it says calibration failed check the axes and run again.

Ran it again (just the Z axis) and the same thing pops up. So I run a belt test and it says my Y axis stepper motor is loose. I'm thinking I need to do a complete maintenance job by tighteneing the steppers and the belts. Can someone who knows this printer help me with the info or the link to the info on how to fix these problems?

thank you in advance to anyone who cares enough to help me out. I believe in karma and helping me out should definitely qualify. 


Posted : 29/06/2024 8:42 am