X motor not working?
Today, roughly an hour after printing a perfectly fine print, my X stepper motor stopped working. It skips and shakes, but will not turn. When i turn the printer off and move the extruder carriage by hand, the movement is smooth. I removed the motor from the belt so that it could freely turn, but it does the same thing, so it's definitely not that the belt is stuck or something.
To test the board, I switched the x and y motor cables, so that moving X now moves the heat bed, and moving Y should move the X motor. Moving the "X" axis now moves the heatbed perfectly fine, so it's not the microcontroller either. If I move "Y" in the settings menu, the x motor shows the same erratic behavior.
Is my stepper motor busted?
I've tried attaching some videos but the forums won't let me. I'll try something else.
Re: X motor not working?
Here's a video of me trying to move the motor via the settings menu. I've put a piece of tape on the shaft to show the lack of movement:
Here's a video where I switched the X and Y cables:
RE: X motor not working?
Did you ever get this resolved? I'm having the same issue.
RE: X motor not working?
check for a pinched or broken wire to the X motor