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Wrong first layer or?  

Active Member
Wrong first layer or?

Hi guys,

I become despered... I really don´t know what to do next.
Here is my result of latest print during first layer.... I did a complete of printer using latest part. I did bed level with springs as it is in this topic

Can you point me what I should do? Material is PET-G from PM. Temperatures 240 nozzle and 80 bed. These temperatures works best.



Posted : 30/11/2018 2:40 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Wrong first layer or?

To me it seems like you need to raise the Z level a little bit. The filament string looks very smeared.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Posted : 30/11/2018 4:57 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Wrong first layer or?

I try to do so, but it didn't help. Still didn't stay on plate.

Posted : 30/11/2018 5:03 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Wrong first layer or?

You do not mention what you clean the bed with before printing, but do the following:
Wash the bed with detergent and water, wipe with paper.

Apply Windex or similar window cleaners on the bed when it is heated. Do it a couple of times, otherwise PETG may be difficult to remove when printing is complete.
Apply Windex between each PETG print.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Posted : 30/11/2018 5:58 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Wrong first layer or?

Will try to do so... Hopefully will helps. So far I print several kg of PET-G but didnt have such a big problems with stick on the bed as now...
Thanks for advice. Will keep you informed if it is help or no.

Posted : 30/11/2018 6:06 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Wrong first layer or?

Hi ,

I clean sheet several times. Unfortunately, it didn't help. What si interesting that always do this stick problem in different locations.... Even when I restart printer it will do it in different locations ( without touching of bed ).

Posted : 01/12/2018 7:31 am
Prominent Member
Re: Wrong first layer or?

Could it be the filament that is bad (moisture damaged)?
Let it dry in the oven (60 degrees) for an hour to see if it helps, or try another filament.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Posted : 01/12/2018 9:59 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Wrong first layer or?

Today arrived new spool of the same PET-G. Well it is better, but still not 100%. The thing what help me most is Isopropanol... I clean a bed with it and seems to be right way.

Posted : 06/12/2018 4:17 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Wrong first layer or?

Why not try detergent and water? It is more effective than isopropanol.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Posted : 06/12/2018 4:20 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Wrong first layer or?

What kind of detergent would you recomend? Isopropanol works so far for me fine...

Posted : 06/12/2018 6:37 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Wrong first layer or?

Isopropanol help only temporary... I use a few detergent and it didnt work anyway...
I decided to come back to old days when I use a heat tape on bed. Seems, that work without any troubles so far. Probably a new Ultem sheet will help to.


Posted : 22/12/2018 11:28 am
LA 3D Printer Repair
Re: Wrong first layer or?

The official method to rejuvenate the PEI surface for PLA is 100% acetone, it is a strong enough solvent to re-crystalize the PEI surface.

Remove all the tape, glue, and hairspray, give it a good *clean* with >90% isopropyl, then give it a final refresh with the acetone, you will be amazed at the results.

I assure you.

Please update the thread if that helps your situation.

Posted : 24/12/2018 2:09 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Wrong first layer or?

Hi Guys,
I was a little bit quiet for some time. I did a several test and hopefully find the problem and solve it for forever 🙂 Hopefully.
Acetone or Isopropanol didn´t help for long time. It works for a few prints but then problem was back again. The best what I found was to use detergent, as was advice to me earlier. But I clean before every print PEI surface with detergent. Not just sometimes. Always. So far a print on this kind if cleaned surface approximately 230 hours of printing and no problem at all...
So I highly recommend to do the same. I believe that after some time we all will have same trouble. PET-G is great material, but can be sometimes tricky...



Posted : 17/02/2019 11:52 am