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Thermal Anomaly - MK3S+ REVO 3.13.0  

Andy Curtis
Thermal Anomaly - MK3S+ REVO 3.13.0

I have flashed my REVO Six fitted MK3S+ with the E3DREVO_fw_MK3S_MK3S+_3_13_0_6873.hex image (from 3.10.1)

The initial Thermal Model calibration failed ~75C. Subsequent runs from cold eventually went up to ~185C.

Based on comments elsewhere I then did a factory reset all data on the printer.

The TM calibration is still failing.

The attached logfile was captured via Octoprint.


Any ideas on getting the printer working again?

Posted : 30/07/2023 10:56 am
Andy Curtis
Topic starter answered:
RE: Thermal Anomaly - MK3S+ REVO 3.13.0

Additional information:

Printer is housed in a PrusaBox with a small fan under the EINSy board drawing air from outside enclosure. At start of TM calibration enclosure temperature the same as room temperature ~26C.  Extruder, heated bed and thermometer in enclosure also showing ~26C at start.

Posted : 30/07/2023 1:00 pm
Active Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly - MK3S+ REVO 3.13.0

I also had an issue here, seems like the proper values for TM aren't quite making it to the printer on update somehow.

I was able to get a successful and seemingly accurate TM calibration by following steps 6-16 here. Additionally, there is an issue open on the GitHub tracking this, it may be helpful to add your voice there so they have a central place to see the scope of the issue.

Posted : 30/07/2023 3:15 pm
Andy Curtis
Topic starter answered:
RE: Thermal Anomaly - MK3S+ REVO 3.13.0

Thanks, following that process has at least allowed the TM calibration to complete.

I'm currently running a test print and the thermal control hasn't been very good. Initially overshoot 15C then after first layer was 8C below set value for number of minutes (192C when display said 200C set). Triggered Octoprint thermal runaway message.

I'll add my comments to the open GITHUB issue tomorrow.  

Posted : 30/07/2023 5:48 pm
RE: Thermal Anomaly - MK3S+ REVO 3.13.0

My problem

TM: NOT IDLE ...?? what to do the printer does not work with revo and 3.13.0

Posted : 31/07/2023 2:53 pm
Active Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly - MK3S+ REVO 3.13.0

Similar issue here - I was at 3.12.2 when I installed the Revo 6. Neither the PID Calibration nor the Thermal Calibration worked when it flashed 3.13.0 (standard version) and 3.13.0 (Revo version), so I went back to 3.11.0 for now (have some printing to do). I'll try steps in GitHub issue 4105 (linked by @ggppjj above) when I can and I'll post back.

Posted : 31/07/2023 6:25 pm
RE: Thermal Anomaly - MK3S+ REVO 3.13.0

I forgot to say that I have version 3.13.0 REVO.

Posted : 01/08/2023 7:59 am
Eminent Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly - MK3S+ REVO 3.13.0

I have a cluster of printers running revo.

One refuses to calibrate thermal model.

One beeps when using the 0.8mm nozzle.

I think the tuning still needs some work. I may try the high flow version of the firmware.

Posted : 01/08/2023 11:15 am