Thermal Anomaly Error After Firmware Update – Print Aborted Every Time
I recently updated the firmware on my Prusa i3 MK3S (using PLA) and started getting a "Thermal Anomaly" error every time the nozzle tries to heat up, which causes the print to stop.
I thought it was a firmware issue, so I downgraded to version 3.13.3, but the problem still persists. Now, whenever the printer tries to heat up, the screen shows "Print Aborted" and resets.
What I've tried so far:
✔️ First Layer Calibration
✔️ Checked the Thermistor & Heater Cartridge connections – they look fine.
✔️ Performed PID Calibration
✔️ Downgraded to firmware 3.13.3
But the printer still aborts every time it tries to heat up.
📸 I’m attaching a picture of the error message and a short video showing exactly what happens.
Has anyone encountered this issue before? Any suggestions on how to fix it? 🙏IMG_4190
RE: Thermal Anomaly Error After Firmware Update – Print Aborted Every Time
Hi, are there any updates?
in my case: after having a blob, thermal anomalies started... today it ended with stringing at 208°C PLA and smelling and error thermal anomaly, so I stopped printing immediately. After cooling down I disassembled the hotend, thermistor and hotend heater cable. The electrical resistance of both cables seem to be ok with 15 Ohm the heating kable and 106 kOhm the thermistor cable.. it reacts to temperature, in my hand it drops down to 60 kOhm.. But I`m quite sure that the thermistor ist the problem. The heater was definitely hotter than the 208°C when ist started smelling like burned... but the display showed 208/208... just ordered new cables. Hope that changing will solve the problem. I will return when I have some news.