Stringing after update to MK3S+
I have my MK3 for 5 years now.
Upgraded to MK3S a few years ago and printing went pretty well.
Last February upgraded to MK3S+ and replaced Hotend as well incl.0.4 Nozzle (acquired assembled).
Since then a lot of stringing. Even on the Benchy with Prusament PLA.
Nozzle cleaning, Factory reset, Firmware update, calibrations, PID and Thermal Model all the same afterwards.
Filaments are stored in low humidity bins.
Printing is within enclosure, but even then...It all printed well before.
Any ideas?
RE: Stringing after update to MK3S+
Try printing a temperature tower. Perhaps the thermal properties are a bit different after the upgrade. A small change in temperature might be enough to get rid of the problem.
RE: Stringing after update to MK3S+
Temperature Tower is WIP.
I sincerely hope not that I will need to modify the default Prusa settings everytime.
That could work out like in a Casino.
My biggest worry is that the pre-assembled Hotend/Nozzle might not be well assembled (e.g. Thermal paste not applied well, etc.)
We'll see, but will post the resulting Tower.
RE: Stringing after update to MK3S+
Hereby the result.
I wonder what these downward peaks mean?
RE: Stringing after update to MK3S+
Seems the nozzle temp is not stable, perhaps a loose connection for the heating element or the thermistor? Did you perform a PID calibration for the hotend? I think the curve for the hotend should be a straight line normally.
And the temp tower looks like you can decrease the temp from 215 °C?
RE: Stringing after update to MK3S+
I have gone through all calibrations incl. PID and Thermal Model.
Need to check the connections then, however I only see this behavior of the drops with this downloaded "Temp_Tower_PLA_MK3S.3mf" (generated to G-Code in Prusaslicr to Octoprint/Pi). Not with models I generated myself.
I am not 100% sure, but I think it got worse after the firmware upgrade to (from 3.11.0).
RE: Stringing after update to MK3S+
Pla shouldn't be printed in an enclosure if it is leave door open 230 is also very high try going to 215
Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out
RE: Stringing after update to MK3S+
Go back to 3.11.x. So many people are reporting all kinds of problems with firmware 3.12.x.
RE: Stringing after update to MK3S+
I regularly print PLA in an enclosure with the door shut.
If anything, it helps to assure lack of draft and temperature consistency.
First, TnX for all the replies.
Just to clarify, all worked fine before.
I normally print everything with default Pruaslicr settings.
So, Prusament PLA at 215 (the Tower runs from 190 to 230. 230 Is not my regular PLA temp).
My enclosure is temp controlled. the temp in the enclosure (environment) PLA 20-25°C, PETG 30-35° and ASA 35-40°.
But lately, when I got this stringing problem, I also tried PLA with door open. No improvement/difference at all.
Best I can do now is to setback the Firmware to 3.11.x. (Didn't know it's possible.)
Keep you posted.
BTW: Is the Firmware the same for MK3S as well as MK3S+? (Looks like it to me.)
RE: Stringing after update to MK3S+
Yes, it is the same firmware for both models.
I am afraid I am in a catch22 situation.
See my previous post:
It just crossed my mind that I had this before.
In the future I will think twice when there are new upgrades and/or firmware updates.
I hope Prusa will have an improved Firmware soon.
It does give me the uncomfortable feeling Prusa is keeping too many balls in the air.
RE: Stringing after update to MK3S+
I have the firmware setback to 3.11.0 with these results:
This was printed by uploading the Gcode file directly to Octoprint/Printer:
As you can see no spikes in the process as there were when you generate the Gcode from the 3FM-file in Prisaslicer shown in my previous post.
However the setback to 3.11 didn't gave me very much concerning the stringing.
I'll wait for a newer Firmware and hope for the better.
Allthough I am considering to go back to the MK3S.
The MK3S+ didn't bring me any improvement.