Spare extruder parts
I have a mk3s that has been upgraded with mmu2s. I need to print spare extruder parts. I am not sure what I need to print and am trying to avoid duplicates. When I upgraded to the MMU2S did I effectively also upgrade my extruder to mk3s+. In other words if I print all extruder parts for mk3s+ and the couple of parts from the mmu2s upgrade, am I where I need to be? Or does the mk3s+ have non-printed parts I am not going to have?
RE: Spare extruder parts
There are three parts from the MK3S+ that the MMU2S (for MK3S+) kit provides replacements for:
Adapter-printer.stl (replaced by adapter-printer-mmu2s.stl)
extruder-idler.stl (replaced by extruder-idler-mmu2s.stl)
fs-cover.stl (replaced by ir-sensor-cover-mmu2s.stl, ir-sensor-holder-mmu2s.stl and the kit provided fs-cover-mmu2s.stl with brass insert)
There's also fs-lever.stl which doesn't do anything when the MMU2S is installed which can be omitted if you wish. It's part of the IR filament sensor when you haven't relocated that to the "chimney".
If you want to reprint the fs-cover-mmu2s.stl, I believe you'll have to grab it from the github page because I don't think it's included in any of the downloads (because of the requirement of that special brass insert):