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Significant Over Extrusion  

New Member
Significant Over Extrusion

I started noticing the my MK3S+ was over extruding. It was mainly when print in place mechanisms started to all weld together. I mainly print PLA but did run through nearly a whole role of PETG and did once print some PLA with darker flecks in it. I haven't put too many hours on my printer so far as I haven't been printing continuously. I was also starting to get significant stringing and oozing basically all the time.

I mention all this because I did the quantitative extrusion multiplier test and it came out predicting a multiplier of .7 which seems very low which makes me think my brass nozzle might be done for. I've got a hardened steel nozzle because I eventually want to start printing really abrasive things but I've been putting off the change. So I'm thinking I might have to just do the change now because I suspect my brass nozzle is significantly wider than the 0.4mm it started with. 

Is there anything obvious I might be missing? I'm probably going to change the nozzle to the hardened steel either way but if that doesn't solve the issue I'm wondering what my next steps are.

Posted : 16/04/2023 6:45 am
Eminent Member
RE: Significant Over Extrusion

After over a year of printing almost every day and a lot during the pandemic, I finally replaced my nozzle because it was over-extruding and getting burnt on the print.  Thereafter, the printer ran smoothly.  You might want to try replacing the nozzle with the same as the stock kit to rule out the nozzle.  

Posted : 16/04/2023 11:24 am
Illustrious Member

Expect a brass nozzle to last six to nine months of continuous printing with plain filaments and to need the first layer 'Z' offset recalibrating three times during its lifetime.

Stringing, oozing and PIP mechanisms printing seized are all symptoms of damp filament.


Posted : 16/04/2023 5:15 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Significant Over Extrusion

So changing the extrusion multiplier fixed it. I went from a wall width of .57 to .45 with an extrusion multiplier of 0.71 as calculated from the quantitative method. The print in place mechanism I was trying to print now functions perfectly and is no longer welded together.

Its pretty dry where I live and I keep my filaments in a dry box made camera equipment when not in use which tends to be in the range of 20% relative humidity. Between that and the fact I was having the same issue with everything including freshly opened PLA makes me suspect its likely not damp filament.

I guess I'm down to either the nozzle has eroded or something happened to the e-steps in the firmware. I'm guessing nozzle erosion is probably the culprit. I printed with some Jesse filament that hard darker specks in it a bit ago and it may have accelerated the wear of the nozzle. 

Posted : 16/04/2023 6:17 pm