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Sealed enclosure dimensions  

Active Member
Sealed enclosure dimensions

Prusa i3 MK3S+ Prusa i3 MK3S+

I have just purchased this printer and I'm abit confused as to the maximum dimensions of cubic area it may need to build a sealed enclosure with a filtered air intake filter, vacuum attatchment and monitoring camera. I have pets and kids, so some may understand.

I'm thinking aluminum frame with opaque acrylic walls like a upside down fish tank but with a secured door in the front.


It looks to be about 500width × 550 depth for heated bed movement  × 450mm tall. Does this include the 2 spools above in the advert picture? Are there other aspects I'm not realizing?

Minimize regret.

Posted : 21/04/2021 4:40 pm
Dan Rogers
Noble Member
RE: Sealed enclosure dimensions

To me the min size should be 2x2x2 (feet).  Printer fits great in that space.  I have a Adelina at 2x2x2 and another one at 2x2.2.5) - they make several heights.  If you go 2x2x2, you'll need to switch to a lower profile spool arm - I have one on the prints farm that works fine and still allows you to make full height (200mm) builds without the print head fouling the new print arm.  The one I posted allows you to keep the arms you are using now, just replaces the center post with one that fits well in a 2x2x2 space.

the enclosure comes with a built in HEPA filter, air tight, and an option for an exhaust port that can be pushed into a ventilation system (mine goes outdoor). The doors have a weather seal.

Posted : 21/04/2021 7:22 pm
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