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Replace Bearings and Smooth Rods?  

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RE: Replace Bearings and Smooth Rods?

Hi. How did the Igus Drylin bearings work for you on the long term


Postato : 31/08/2020 10:23 am
Noble Member
RE: Replace Bearings and Smooth Rods?
Posted by: @vintagepc

I forgot to mention that not only does the liquid heat, but the ultrasonic vibrations will likely aid in atomizing the liquid to boot, making an even more volatile atmosphere - not only do you have vapor flashes but also atomized fuel.

Ever heard of flour mills exploding? Same problem - finely atomized combustibles burn *very* very quickly and explosively.

This is only half-true.  To get an explosion you need containment.  Without containment, you may get a flash, but not an explosion.  Therefore, don't use lids that lock down or screw down.  I agree that would be very unwise indeed.

A firecracker explodes because the paper tube acts as the containment.  If you remove the firecracker contents from the tube and pour it into a pile and then lite it, you'll get either a flash or a fizzle, but not a bang.  If you pour gasoline into an open saucer outside, and then lite it, you'll get a flash, and then burning, but again no bang.  The flour mill explodes because the building is the containment.

Of course, some substances, like nitroglycerin, are so unstable that they really will explode if sufficiently excited, but that's a different topic altogether.

Postato : 18/12/2020 7:07 am
RE: Replace Bearings and Smooth Rods?

Very true - I was incorrectly conflating the terms explosion and rapid combustion in that post. 

Either way, highly atomized fuel at elevated temperatures... whether contained or not, is a bad situation. Especially when  quality (non bargain-bin) cleaners are covered with warnings not to use combustible solvents. 

Postato : 18/12/2020 12:48 pm
Fernando T
Eminent Member
RE: Replace Bearings and Smooth Rods?
Posted by: @cwbullet

I used these and not issues thus far.  About 500 hours and no wear.

Did you use these on all axis? I would think they are a good option for the Z axis as they are good enclosed and the axis doe not move that much and when it moves it is at low speed. But for the other axis like the Y and X i would expect them toe wear out quite fast. Also on the bed (Y axis) did you use a printed clamp? Th one that comes with the Prusa won't be very good with these bearings.

Postato : 24/02/2021 3:33 pm
RE: Replace Bearings and Smooth Rods?


I replaced my U-bolt with 3d printer bearing holders.  They have worked on X, Y, and Z for the Mk3s.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 24/02/2021 3:55 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Replace Bearings and Smooth Rods?
Posted by: @cwbullet


I replaced my U-bolt with 3d printer bearing holders.  They have worked on X, Y, and Z for the Mk3s.

I did the same for Y. And use these for X. But I found them binding on the Z to much. So I use the original bearings on Z.

Postato : 24/02/2021 5:37 pm
RE: Replace Bearings and Smooth Rods?


I think they move much smoother.  Mine are 14 months old and still going strong.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 24/02/2021 5:55 pm
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