Printer stops mid print, power panic error, screen scramble
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Printer stops mid print, power panic error, screen scramble  

Stránka 3 / 3
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer stops mid print, power panic error, screen scramble

Hello ! It’s us again. And still in trouble ahah ^^;;

As it happens, we figured that the fysetc forum was now out of use, and has been for quite a while now. However we did manage to find a fysetc firmware, and so we attempted to flash it on our printer. It worked! And we had much less screen scrambling, and less power panic errors too.

Except that now it has other issues. The prints stop midway, and at first we couldn’t figure out why. But we finally found out that, at some point during the process, the printer stopped following the normal path directed by the gcode and instead started randomly following a certain line, on loop, until the path became too thick to let the printing head through and the machine stopped after detecting that obstruction.

here are a couple pics: 

I admit we are very much exasperated by yet another issue but I remain hopeful that you guys might be able to guide us towards a solution ?

Napsal : 08/03/2023 8:35 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printer stops mid print, power panic error, screen scramble

So do you still get screen scrambling and power panic just less or is it all gone and does it work better on prusa firmware or the feistic  also can u please attach the g it's looping on feistic firmware but not prusa firmware.

Please also attach feistic firmware you used

From you answering these questions we can then go on to troubleshoot where we need to look 

Many thanks 



Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Napsal : 09/03/2023 2:35 am
Eminent Member
RE: Printer stops mid print, power panic error, screen scramble

Sounds like you have a bad psu or some loose wiring. If you have a spare 24v psu laying around, try swapping it out. Make sure it's powerful enough. Stock mk3 comes with a 240w (10amp) psu but that's stupidly under powered. It will work for a small test print but I wouldn't go any lower. Ultimachine recommends a minimum 16 amp psu for the rambo but I've been using a lrs-350-24 for almost 5 years now without any issues. Also check all your wiring.

Napsal : 09/03/2023 5:14 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer stops mid print, power panic error, screen scramble

Hey again!

So in order: 

@hello :

We still have some power panic and screen scrambling, but it’s about 10 times less now with the fysetc firmware. So it looks like it works better on the fysetc firmware. 
Here’s the gcode you asked for :

About the loop: 

we had a bunch of issues with the Prusa firmware, including one where the first layer printed on loop. 
however, with the fysetc firmware, the only problem we have is that, after having printed normally part of the piece, it suddenly starts looping a random path on loop. It is not a problem we ever had with the Prusa firmware but it does feel a little similar to the issue we had at the start. 

here is the link to the fysetc firmware :

i also attached the zip file to this message. 

I hope my answers cleared things up enough ? 
Thank you again for the help 🙂


@_rob_ :

About the PSU: 

since we have a fysetc clone, we are not certain what are the specific values of our PSU. We believe it might be the one shown on this link:

It says there that it’s 24V and 10A.
We tried checking our own with a multimeter, and we confirmed it was a 24v psu, however we weren’t able to check the amps. we did check in the printer’s menu, in the support, it was indeed specified 10 amps and 24v. 

Is this model still underpowered compared to what you recommend? Do you believe changing the psu might solve this issue ? And if so, can you send us a link to the one you recommend ? 
Does that mean then that in your opinion, this issue does not seem to come from the einsy or the firmware?

Thank you also for your advice 🙂


We are really hoping that we can finally solve this ngl ^^;;

But you guys are really awesome and we are so grateful for your help,



Napsal : 11/03/2023 11:12 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Printer stops mid print, power panic error, screen scramble


Posted by: @epilost

It says there that it’s 24V and 10A.
We tried checking our own with a multimeter, and we confirmed it was a 24v psu, however we weren’t able to check the amps. we did check in the printer’s menu, in the support, it was indeed specified 10 amps and 24v. 

Is this model still underpowered compared to what you recommend? Do you believe changing the psu might solve this issue ? And if so, can you send us a link to the one you recommend ? 
Does that mean then that in your opinion, this issue does not seem to come from the einsy or the firmware?

What I mean is your current psu, regardless of its rating, could be malfunctioning. There could be a voltage drop during print. This could also be caused by bad wiring. If it's functioning properly, then keep using it until it burns out, then replace it with a higher watt psu. Or resize your fuses so they blow before the psu.


Napsal : 11/03/2023 11:40 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printer stops mid print, power panic error, screen scramble

So It could be Todo with the einsy memory may I suggest live chat with prusa

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Napsal : 14/03/2023 2:57 am
Noble Member
RE: Printer stops mid print, power panic error, screen scramble

Can you go back to prusa firmware and see if it looping 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Napsal : 14/03/2023 6:14 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer stops mid print, power panic error, screen scramble

Hello again! 
so we’ve tried as you said to go back to the prusa firmware and here’s what happened:

we successfully flashed the older firmware, mk3s 3.8. We had a bit of screen scrambling but otherwise it seemed to work fine so we tried our 20hour print. The print started out just fine but it stopped midway, not even going back to auto-home 

then we tried flashing the newest firmware, 3.12 for mk3s, and not only did the slicer tell us that the flash failed, but we hadn’t even started a print before it started beeping with power panic errors. in fact soon as the nozzle started moving toward x=0 when we asked to go to auto home, the machine started beeping.
We feel like, with the newest firmware, the way the x=0 is handled might be the cause of some of those issues. Half the times it believes that it is already on x=0 while it’s actually somewhere in the middle, so when we ask for a auto home it bugs and gives us power panic. 

As you suggested a live chat with prusa, we will do that during the weekend and let you know how it goes. 

Napsal : 22/03/2023 9:24 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printer stops mid print, power panic error, screen scramble


Posted by: @epilost

Hello again! 
so we’ve tried as you said to go back to the prusa firmware and here’s what happened:

we successfully flashed the older firmware, mk3s 3.8. We had a bit of screen scrambling but otherwise it seemed to work fine so we tried our 20hour print. The print started out just fine but it stopped midway, not even going back to auto-home 

then we tried flashing the newest firmware, 3.12 for mk3s, and not only did the slicer tell us that the flash failed, but we hadn’t even started a print before it started beeping with power panic errors. in fact soon as the nozzle started moving toward x=0 when we asked to go to auto home, the machine started beeping.
We feel like, with the newest firmware, the way the x=0 is handled might be the cause of some of those issues. Half the times it believes that it is already on x=0 while it’s actually somewhere in the middle, so when we ask for a auto home it bugs and gives us power panic. 

As you suggested a live chat with prusa, we will do that during the weekend and let you know how it goes. 

I only suggest live chat with prusa as they know firmware inside out but probably won't talk to you about fake prusa I am starting to get stumped at why this is happening it does sound like faulty mother board as it is forgetting position the other thing I could suggest is compile own firm for very basic printer or get an Arduino mega get a ramps board and use firmware from online 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Napsal : 23/03/2023 3:49 am
Stránka 3 / 3