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Print bed center not heating  

New Member
Print bed center not heating

Since today I'm getting print bed heating errors. I first checked the thermistor as the temperature was slowly rising by a few degrees but everythign is connected just fine. I've got an original Prusa MK3.

What I'm noticing is that the center of the heat bed, where the sensor is located, stays cool to the touch while the four sides are getting really hot. I've checked the bed for damage but it's fine.

Cables are connected ok and as the sides are getting pretty hot it doesn't seem to be a power issue.

Other than a damaged bed what could be the cause of this problem?

This topic was modified 5 years ago by sebas
Posted : 17/06/2020 4:20 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Print bed center not heating

With those symptoms its highly likely to be a damaged bed.  The bed is basically one big resistor made of a circuit board, so the tracks heat up as current passes through them.  If the track gets broken then any part after the break doesnt get current and so doesnt heat up.

If you remove the steel sheet you should be able to see the pattern of tracks underneath the black coating.

Posted : 17/06/2020 7:14 pm