power panic if nozzle heats
I have a problem if i heat the nozzle because if i give the comand to heat it, it has a powerpanic.I have disassembeld the extruder because it had clogging and after that is simpy didn't heat the nozzle.I have rasberry pi installed but i don't think that efects anything.
any thoughts?
If you mean that the printer reboots after you try to heat the nozzle, then probably the wires of the heater cartridge are shorted. That happens sometimes disassembling /reassembling the hotend. The wires of the heater and the thermistor aren’t very tough and the fact that they’re bent 90º at the point were they enter the hotblock makes them very vulnerable to the slightest mishandling, This is a terrible design by E3D.
Open the electronics box and first check the fuses. One of them might be damaged. Remove the connector of the heater on the Einsy board. Check the resistance of the heater. It should be 14-15 ohms. If it’s almost zero then the wires are shorted. If it’s very high ( in the order of megaohms ) then one of these wires is broken, although in this case I don’t think that the printer would reboot when you try to heat the nozzle, It simply wouldn’t heat up. One way or another, in all likelihood you’ll need to replace that heater cartridge.
If you’re unlucky when the wires were shorted the mosfet driver in the Einsy board was fried also. That would complicate fixing the issue.
P.D. I assume that you own a multimeter/tester. If not, try to get one or borrow it, Even the cheapest model will do.