Power failure and x axis layer shift during long prints
I built a kit mk3s+ over Christmas break, and it generally prints beautifully. However, recently I have had some reoccurring issues that are beyond my ability to diagnose. Longer prints have consistently had layer shift occur on the x axis. I have messed with the belts, and the tension does not seem to be the issue. The shift is consistently to the right. This, combined with my observation that each shifted print has reported "power failures" has led me to believe that these brief power failures are triggering a rehoming, and that rehoming is consistently off. I do have a wire running down my frame between the heated bed and einsy board that I could see causing a shift. Does the printer rehome after a reboot? Either way, it doesn't matter as I'd like to not have any random power failures.
I am running several peripherals all off of the mk3s stock power supply (black version). These include a rspi model 3b running octoprint, an attached 4inch hyperpixel 4.0 touch screen (running octodash), a logitech 1080p webcam, and a 24v LED strip. The LED strip is directly wired to the PSU through the einsy board. The pi is wired to an adjustable step down regulator (set to 5V) that is also wired to the PSU through the einsy board connections. The pi then supplies power to the screen through pins, and the camera through USB.
I'm not tech savy (I'm a microbioly major/ premed), and relied on many guides to add these various mods. I love the setup, but need to fix this power failure
situation so I can print the larger prints I'd like to. Included is an image of my set up. If anyone has any thoughts or knows what may be causing this, I'd appreciate the help.
Check: Does your wire bundle hit anything (or strain) at extreme travel?
RE: Power failure and x axis layer shift during long prints
Try to check if the screw of the X motor pulley is not losen.
even an old man can learn new things 🙂
Standard I3 mk3s, MMU2S, Prusa Enclosure, Fusion 360, PrusaSlicer, Windows 10
PRUSA MINI+ Prusalink + Prusa Connect