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Power Blackout Recovery Failed  

Reputable Member
Power Blackout Recovery Failed

So, I'm 5 hours into a 6 hour print on my MK3 and my power fails. I have a UPS but it was on my MINI at the time. So I thought, no problem, I'll just take the UPS from the MINI (which was inactive at the time) and put it on the MK3. The MK3 powered back up, sensed the power drop, and asked if I wanted to recover the print. Of course I answered "Yes" and it began its re-heating process. (This was no more than 5 minutes after the power loss.) After a couple of minutes, it gave a "Bed Heating Error" (or similar wording) and would go no further. I tried the normal "Preheat" process which looked like it started to work but after a few seconds, threw the Bed Heating Error again. The printer is running Firmware 3.5.1-1778. Yes, I know there is a newer version (I am reminded of that every time I start a print), but I just don't seem to find the time to install the upgrade. (I will now.) But is/was Power Blackout Recovery failure a known bug in that version? Moreover, is it fixed in the now-current version? Or is something else wrong? Pretty sure there was no "operator error" involved with what I did.

This topic was modified 4 years ago by RedDawg

Hear ye, Hear ye! Step right up folks and get your Government salvation here! Less than $.002 per word!

Posted : 08/06/2021 3:19 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Power Blackout Recovery Failed

Additional info: The UPS is rated 3.6 amps @ 110VAC. Enough?

Hear ye, Hear ye! Step right up folks and get your Government salvation here! Less than $.002 per word!

Posted : 08/06/2021 3:26 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Power Blackout Recovery Failed


The MK3 requires a 240 watt power supply. The nozzle 40 watts and the heating bed approx. 170 watts. I think your UPS should provide enough power. In your case, I would update the firmware and of course make sure that you install the correct version (MK3, MK3S). Flashing the FW with the latest PrusaSlicer only takes a few minutes.



Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Posted : 08/06/2021 7:46 pm