Possible leaking nozzle?
I had to replace my PTFE tube since a piece of filament got jammed in it.
So I had to unscrew both the nozzle and the hot end to remove the filament.
I put everything back together, but now I get these weird bloods during printing. And it looks like the nozzle leaks.
I'm not sure what to do, maybe tighten the nozzle/high-end, but wanted to see if someone else had this problem before. Any ideas?
RE: Possible leaking nozzle?
Did you follow the E3D-V6 assembly instructions? If the answer is no, then you will have leaks.
RE: Possible leaking nozzle?
not very helpful answer Famed Tim.
it is certainly possible for a leak between the heatsink and the hotend if the seal is accidentally broken.
1) Is there filament ooseing around the sides and the top of the hot end ie covering the whole hot end? if not the top seal is fine.
if the top seal is fine, clean the nozzle seating area and extrude again for a short time. is there any weeping around the nozzle seat. if so heat the nozzle and tighten. Prevent the hot end from turning using a 16mm spanner (or of course an adjustable.) Avoid movements of the hotend relative to the wires of the heater and thermistor. They will fracture.
RE: Possible leaking nozzle?
not very helpful answer Famed Tim.
it is certainly possible for a leak between the heatsink and the hotend if the seal is accidentally broken.
1) Is there filament ooseing around the sides and the top of the hot end ie covering the whole hot end? if not the top seal is fine.
if the top seal is fine, clean the nozzle seating area and extrude again for a short time. is there any weeping around the nozzle seat. if so heat the nozzle and tighten. Prevent the hot end from turning using a 16mm spanner (or of course an adjustable.) Avoid movements of the hotend relative to the wires of the heater and thermistor. They will fracture.
LASTLY: If all that is good, please look into the following:
1) Using the custom GCODE that many of us are using. This prevents early sputtering on the first layers. That's what this looks like. Custom GCODE can be found on Bob's web page: http://projects.ttlexceeded.com/3dprinting_slic3r_gcode.html
2) Make sure your filament is VERY dry. It is summer in 1/2 of the world and humidity wreaks havoc on ABS, PETG and similar filaments. I have even found that PLA takes on enough moisture to mess up prints. I have been a much happier camper since I started keeping my filament DRY. I use a food dehydrator large enough for 4 spools and a dry box.
I am the inveterate tinkerer. I can tink up most anything.