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Persistent CalibrationXYZ issues on MK3  

Active Member
Persistent CalibrationXYZ issues on MK3


I am hoping that someone on the forum can help me to get my Factory assembled PRUSA MK3 operational.
I got my first factory assembled PRUSA MK3 delivered end of July and I have been having issues since day 1, even though I got a replacement printer on september 6th, I still have printer issues.
Although I have sent several detailed issue reports to PRUSA support, I have the feeling the they are not being read, and as I have not been able to print anything since the beginning of the month my patience is running low.

My current issues are that I am unable to complete the calibrationXYZ function.
The reason why I decided to run this function in the first place, was because I got strange shifts in my X direction
that are not in the original gcode file . I used the exact same gcode to print as I used on my first MK3, which was able to print this file without shifts.
I measured the layer thickness on some of the squares with a calibrates calipers:
F: 0.29
C: 0.24
J: 0.29
0: 0.28
7: 0.28
4: 0.30

To asses any transport damage I decided to run a self test and a calibrationXYZ.
The selftest passed with OK, but I had to stop the calibrationXYZ as it caught the paper sheet and during a re-run the paper even got seriously stuck between the nozzle and the heated bed.
On screen I got the following messages:
XYZ calibration failed. Please consult the manual
Followed by:
endstops hit:

During the calibrationXYZ the printer was making a serious rattling noises as if something was loose, which later turned out to be the Y belt idler assembly. When tightened (which I realized today was to tight), the problem did not went away.

I have properly tightened the Y belt according to the Y axis assembly instructions, and did a:
- Pre-flight check with a 1mm tywrap and later with a folded business card 0. 67 mm
- PINDA probe test as described:

The PINDA probe checks ran OK, as well as the PINDA probe G80 / G81 7x7 matrix comparison was well within tolerances (as I did not observe any significant deviations).
The preflight checks with both the 1mm and 0.67mm PINDA heigth fail the calibrationXYZ.

Today I ran a calibrationXYZ (0.67mm) with pronterface attached and it seems like it can locate the calibration points (judging from the ASCII art), and no failure is reported.

I recorded a video of the calibration procedure

My belt status reports;
X 293
Y 303

As mentioned I am lost and hope that someone can help me to get my MK3 working properly as my MK2S always has been.

Best Regards,


Posted : 22/09/2018 5:37 pm