Pause command M601 not being inserted into gcode PrusaSlicer 2.3.0, Mk3 3.10.0 firmware
The pause feature in Prusa Slicer doesn't seem to be working. I am working on a print where I insert some magnets and placed the pause command in the slicer. What's weird is the message "place bearings in slot" is showing up on the printer LCD at the proper layer but there is no M601 command placed. I searched through the code and confirmed there is no M601 commend in there.
This has previously worked, although finicky. I had a recent print where it worked but when the printer paused, no message was displayed on the lcd and the extruder turned off and cooled down, the hotbed remained on at the printing temp (90C in this case). When I restarted the print I didn't realize the extruder had turned off and I had to manually turn it back on.
Am I missing something?
RE: Pause command M601 not being inserted into gcode PrusaSlicer 2.3.0, Mk3 3.10.0 firmware
Upload a zipped 3mf-file, then it will be easier to help you.
Prusa i3 MK3S+ FW 3.11.0 (kit dec -20), PrusaSlicer 2.6.1+win64, Fusion 360, Windows 10
RE: Pause command M601 not being inserted into gcode PrusaSlicer 2.3.0, Mk3 3.10.0 firmware
I don't have the 3mf file natively in fusion 360 but I have uploaded the step file, stl file, and gcode created by prusa slicer. Somewhat strange, I saved the gcode to a text file and both of the projects I have attached include the M601 command. The first file, labeled vacuum, worked today when I printed it. The machine paused at the appropriate height as expected. The other, created the exact same way, labeled bracket also shows the M601 gcode in the text file but did not pause at the appropriate time as expected, it just kept printing but still displayed the "place bearings in place" message when it got to the height it was supposed to pause.
RE: Pause command M601 not being inserted into gcode PrusaSlicer 2.3.0, Mk3 3.10.0 firmware
Read this it will help you to understand what we need from you. How-to-save-and-upload-a-project
Good Luck
The Filament Whisperer
RE: Pause command M601 not being inserted into gcode PrusaSlicer 2.3.0, Mk3 3.10.0 firmware
I don't have the 3mf file natively in fusion 360 but I have uploaded the step file, stl file, and gcode created by prusa slicer.
Save your current 3MF project file, zip it up, and attach it to a reply here so we can see your part & settings and give better recommendations. The 3MF is necessary to see where you've placed the color change code.
Somewhat strange, I saved the gcode to a text file and both of the projects I have attached include the M601 command. The first file, labeled vacuum, worked today when I printed it. The machine paused at the appropriate height as expected. The other, created the exact same way, labeled bracket also shows the M601 gcode in the text file but did not pause at the appropriate time as expected, it just kept printing but still displayed the "place bearings in place" message when it got to the height it was supposed to pause.
Both gcode files do show the M601 commands at 3.9 and 13.9mm. Looking through the gcode, I do see references to OctoPrint. OctoPrint has plugins that can try to intercept M601 for printers that don't support it. I'd try taking this identical gcode and putting it on SD card and printing from there (assuming you have been trying via OctoPrint).
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: Pause command M601 not being inserted into gcode PrusaSlicer 2.3.0, Mk3 3.10.0 firmware
Got ya, I didn't realize prusaslicer saved in 3mf format. It is attached. I am, indeed, using octoprint as my interface to print files. I will certainly try it with an SD card and see if that changes anything.
RE: Pause command M601 not being inserted into gcode PrusaSlicer 2.3.0, Mk3 3.10.0 firmware
Interestingly, I just ran the exact same gcode ("bracket") through octoprint as the one that just failed and, this time it worked. Strange.
RE: Pause command M601 not being inserted into gcode PrusaSlicer 2.3.0, Mk3 3.10.0 firmware
If OctoPrint does prove to be the culprit, you can launch OctoPrint in safe mode (plugins disabled) and see if that works. You may just need to disable one plugin for those prints.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: Pause command M601 not being inserted into gcode PrusaSlicer 2.3.0, Mk3 3.10.0 firmware
Ya, I think the tough part now is the inconsistency of reproducing this. Yesterday I re-ran the same g-code that previously failed and the pause command worked as it should. Luckily the part I need is printed now. For the future I will probably just bypass octoprint as you recommended and see if that produces consistent results. If so, then it is clearly an issue with octoprint. If that's the case I will boot in safe mode as you recommended and see if I can identify the plugin causing the issue. Thank you