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Octoprint + Runout Sensor MK3S  

Active Member
Octoprint + Runout Sensor MK3S

I have searched to see if i can find the answer for this and haven't so please excuse me if it's posted somewhere.

I was wondering if there's a way for Octoprint to pause the print when the internal runout sensor trips. I have the sensor enabled in the settings but nothing happens when the filament runs out. Is there a way for this to happen and I'm simply doing something wrong or it's not possible and i need an external sensor?

Posted : 30/05/2019 3:50 am
Active Member
RE: Octoprint + Runout Sensor MK3S

The filament runout sensor worked fine for me when printing through octoprint, it's a firmware feature from what i understand, so all of the filament change gcodes during a runout are handled internally by the printer, octoprint simply stop receiving the ok to the recieved gcode and wait for the printer to give the all clear.

The only mk3s feature that won't work when printing from USB is, afaik, the power panic.

Are you sure that your sensor is tripping?

Posted : 08/06/2019 7:02 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Octoprint + Runout Sensor MK3S

Thank you for the response!!

I did not think to check verbosely. All I did was cut the filament and the printer continued printing. So I panicked and manually paused and changed the filament haha It was during a print, almost at the end too. Probably not the best time to try it out.

What you're saying makes sense. I guess I will have to give it a more thorough test and make sure the sensor is triggering. Is there a light or something like the PINDA? I haven't seen anything...

This post was modified 6 years ago by stratos.g
Posted : 08/06/2019 7:17 pm
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: Octoprint + Runout Sensor MK3S

It can be checked (usually) via the LCD display, buried in the menu system.

Adding an LED indicator to the sensor board is fairly trivial if you can solder SMD parts. 

See here


Posted : 08/06/2019 7:33 pm
Active Member
RE: Octoprint + Runout Sensor MK3S

No light on the sensor as far as i can tell, but you can check the sensor status in realtime in the printer menu, in Support -> Sensor info, it's reported as IR.

You can try snipping the filament during a simple test print like a calibration cube. 

If your sensor does not work correctly you can check if the magnet is returing the lever to the right position.

I hope this is useful to you.

Posted : 08/06/2019 7:41 pm
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: Octoprint + Runout Sensor MK3S

No light on the sensor as far as i can tell,

Uh... No I didn't mean LED comes already installed. Prusa does not ship it with the LED modification. That is something some of us are doing to make troubleshooting and calibration easier


Posted : 08/06/2019 8:34 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Octoprint + Runout Sensor MK3S

Thank you both for the feedback!

Based on your suggestions, i did a little troubleshooting. It appears that the sensor does not trigger. It seems that the magnet loaded trigger is not getting out of the way completely. The only way i can make it work is by yanking the filament out. If i pull it slowly out then it doesn't trigger. I have to for instance put an alen wrench in there and wiggle a bit for it to clear the sensor. So apparently something is getting kind of stuck. I was not able to pinpoint what though...

Any ideas?

Posted : 09/06/2019 2:45 am
Active Member
RE: Octoprint + Runout Sensor MK3S

If you assembled the printer yourself, have you made sure of the polarity of the magnets in the assembly? they are supposed to repel each other.

Otherwise something might have been overtightened.

You can take a look at the lever movement by removing the top cover and the ir sensor, to check if it's free moving.

Posted : 09/06/2019 3:39 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Octoprint + Runout Sensor MK3S

Yeah the magnets are ok. The sensor used to work in the beginning. I had the auto filament load on and it used to work fine. Then i disabled it after a while and from them to now it must have stopped being good.

I opened the assembly and reseated everything making sure it's good.

Like i said, if you yank the filament out or give it a little wiggle it works. Something is obviously sticking and i can't figure why...

Posted : 09/06/2019 5:01 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Octoprint + Runout Sensor MK3S

Someone else recently has posted a report their IR sensor is a bit to close to the flag and he solved it by inserting a shim made from a fold layer 1 cal test between the IR board and the extruder housing, pushing the board a bit farther from the ball and flag.  He's going to pull the extruder apart and trim the flag sometime later... but the shim got him working.

You can test for this by removing the cap and then watching the filament status while wiggling the board or flag arm ... see how much you need to move things to get a clear 1/0 out of the sensor.


Posted : 10/06/2019 2:26 am