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Objects printing in incorrect spot  

New Member
Objects printing in incorrect spot

Still new to printing and I am scratching my head on this one. I am using Slic3r pe to print 6 skulls that I found on Thingiverse ( ) . As you can see in the images of the slicer, the skulls are all on the bead and separated from each other. As you can see in the image o the print, the bottom left and the bottom middle prints are now moved up and now printing on top of the ones above it. It also looks like the outline of the bottom middle is in the correct sport, but the rest of the print is off. I tried to print it a second time and now all of the bottom prints are overlapping. And idea what the issue could be? Any help would be great!

Posted : 03/09/2018 8:39 pm
Peter L
Honorable Member
Re: Objects printing in incorrect spot

Still new to printing and I am scratching my head on this one. I am using Slic3r pe to print 6 skulls that I found on Thingiverse ( ) . As you can see in the images of the slicer, the skulls are all on the bead and separated from each other. As you can see in the image o the print, the bottom left and the bottom middle prints are now moved up and now printing on top of the ones above it. It also looks like the outline of the bottom middle is in the correct sport, but the rest of the print is off. I tried to print it a second time and now all of the bottom prints are overlapping. And idea what the issue could be? Any help would be great!

Looks like you've got shifting in the Y axis. Make sure the pulley on the Y axis stepper is tightened down and can't move.

This is a pretty common problem on newly assembled printers. If you don't make sure the lock screw is (a) absolutely as tight as possible, and (b) against the flat of the motor shaft, the screw can back out and come a bit loose. That allows the pulley to shift back and forth on the motor shaft.

Posted : 03/09/2018 9:09 pm