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Nylon exiting side of extruder  

Active Member
Nylon exiting side of extruder

This wekend, I switched to nylon after two months of frustration with PETG (I need a filament that doesn't warp as bad as PLA in the Texas summer sun.) I'm constantly having some kind of jam that results in the filament continuing to be pulled through the sensor, but exiting out the left side of the extruder below the drive gears.

Images all at

I'm using a brand new (Olsson Ruby) .4 nozzle on a Mk3 that has never given me a lick of trouble otherwise. I'm slicing using the standard Talman Bridge nylon settings from the most recent Prusa Slic3r (printing at 250C.) I've done multiple cold pulls (never seeing anything obvious coming out.) The problem goes away after each pull, but emerges again after 30-60mins of printing.

While the eSun nylon filament I'm using is brand new, it probably needs to be baked dry. I've been 3D printing for 5 years and haven't had hydroscopic issues cause jams this bad (actually I've never had it cause jams at all in any of my 3 previous printers, just frothy extrusion,) but I'm also new to nylon, so I may need to revise my thinking.

Any help appreciated, sorry if I've missed other threads on this, my search didn't turn up anything immediately helpful. I'm grateful for any links to threads of relevance.

Posted : 15/10/2018 7:00 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Nylon exiting side of extruder

Good news for you: Thats easy folk!
Ok seriously, I had same issue with nylon, flex and nylon-carbon.
You need just to print newest 3D printed parts for mk3. They solved this problem, and also improove cooling etc.
You can print this TPU_fix.stl (see attach.) from thinginverse and put under your boundtech gears.

Good luck!

University: MK2S upgraded to MK3 with MMU2.0
Home: MK3
Materials: ABS; ASA; PETG; PET; PLA; Nylon; Nylon Carbon; CPE;
SW: Freecad 0.18; Slicer PE And still generating more troubles than whole forum together.

Posted : 16/10/2018 11:55 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Nylon exiting side of extruder


Posted : 17/10/2018 3:01 am
Estimable Member
Re: Nylon exiting side of extruder

Here you have an upgrade.
I Found it and RAR it 🙂

University: MK2S upgraded to MK3 with MMU2.0
Home: MK3
Materials: ABS; ASA; PETG; PET; PLA; Nylon; Nylon Carbon; CPE;
SW: Freecad 0.18; Slicer PE And still generating more troubles than whole forum together.

Posted : 17/10/2018 8:53 am