Re: No more "gnats" startup code.
M860 S40 ; wait for PINDA temp to stabilize
Code worth waiting for; but not in the normal release channel?? From the Prusa Gcode guide list, there's nothing between 702 and 907.
M702 ; Unload filament
M907 ; Set stepper motor current
That page hasn't been updated in over a year.
Re: No more "gnats" startup code.
Here is what I finalized at. This supercedes prior example codes.
PINDA warming temp is closer to bed to speed up warming.
Added comments about how to select PINDA target temp for highest stability during mesh cal.
Basically, do some mesh cals and watch your PINDA temp in support menu. Set the value in this code to 1-2 degrees lower than final PINDA temp.
M115 U3.5.1 ; tell printer latest fw version
M83 ; extruder relative mode
G28 W ; MUST FIRST home all without mesh bed level or else risk nozzle crash!
G0 X70 Y70 Z0.5 F1000; PINDA warms faster near bed
M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; set bed temp
M104 S150 ; preheat extruder to no ooze temp to help warm PINDA
M109 S150 ; wait for extruder temp
M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; wait for bed temp
M860 S40 ; wait for PINDA temp. For most stable PINDA temp during mesh, set temp here 1-2 deg below your actual PINDA temp at end of mesh cal.
M104 S100 ; drop extruder to lower temp to minimize PINDA temp rise during mesh
G80 N7 ; mesh bed leveling with extra points
G1 Y-3.0 F1000.0 ; go outside print area
G92 E0.0
G1 Z3 ; raise head safely clear of bed before heating extruder
M104 S[first_layer_temperature] ; we heat extruder AFTER mesh to minimize ooze
M109 S[first_layer_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp
G1 Z0.5 ; move slightly above bed for easy clean intro line
G1 X60.0 E9.0 F1000.0 ; intro line
G1 X100.0 E12.5 F1000.0 ; intro line
G1 E-0.8 F2100; bobstro Anti stringing retract and moves to avoid stringing
G1 X99.0 E0 F1000.0 ; -1mm intro line @ 0.00
G1 X110.0 E0 F1000.0 ; +10mm intro line @ 0.00
G1 Z0 ;lower head back to normal Z after intro line
G92 E0.0
M221 S{if layer_height==0.05}100{else}95{endif}
Re: No more "gnats" startup code.
Printing PLA, my PINDA struggles to get above 32 Deg, room is at 20, no draughts, Printer bed is at 60, PINDA hovers around 31.6, to get any higher I have a paper tent I put on the bed with the open end up against the PINDA, this is also how I can complete a temperature calibration run for the PINDA else it never gets past step 3!.
Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.
Re: No more "gnats" startup code.
I had problems getting the PINDA up to 35C with the bed pre-heated up to 60C, particularly as the ambient room temps dropped with the onset of winter. I resolved this problem by heating the bed to either 65C or the final bed temp, whichever is higher, while heating the nozzle. This is the line I use for my Slic3rPE startup gcode:
Printing PLA, my PINDA struggles to get above 32 Deg, room is at 20, no draughts, Printer bed is at 60, PINDA hovers around 31.6, to get any higher I have a paper tent I put on the bed with the open end up against the PINDA, this is also how I can complete a temperature calibration run for the PINDA else it never gets past step 3!
M140 S{max(first_layer_bed_temperature[0],65)} ; set bed PINDA warmup temp
As the mesh bed leveling starts, I drop the bed to final printing temp. In most cases, the bed is close to the desired temp, but you could have it wait for the final temp before proceeding with the temp if you prefer.
With other slicers that lack conditional tests, you may have to just use 65C as the PINDA warming temp.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
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