No matter how I adjust the bed, the front bed is higher than the rear.
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No matter how I adjust the bed, the front bed is higher than the rear.  

No matter how I adjust the bed, the front bed is higher than the rear.

My original bed had 0.7mm varience, so I made Nylock Mod.

But, I'm very confuse after I made the mod.

No matter how I adjust the bed, the front bed is higher than the rear.E

Even the software shows it just has 0.02mm varience, I can't get a nice first layer.

I wonder if the mesh bed leveling is wrong? I recalibrated XYZ after Nylock Mod, but it always thinks the front of my bed is lower.

How can I deal with this problem?

Thank you!


Posted : 31/07/2023 3:00 am
Gladwin Ly

Yes, adjusting this is actually a built-in function of the MK2.5-MK4. Go to the LCD Menu -> Calibration -> Bed level correction to adjust Left/Right/Front/Rear values. You most likely have an obscenely low number (negative) as your front value. Raise it a bit (preferably, to 0).

If it's still low at 0, I recommend going up incrementally by 10 microns (in your case, maybe 20) to find the perfect level. Just make sure to raise the front value up instead of down (I tend to think of it as the height of the nozzle in micros relative to the height of the bed).

If you're confused, refer to Bed Level Correction | Prusa Knowledge Base ( for more info.

This post was modified 2 years ago 3 times by Gladwin Ly
Posted : 31/07/2023 11:21 pm